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We meet all kinds of people every day. Some will pass by, some will bee friends, some will bee friends and bee passers-by, and some will bee old friends.Different personality, the pursuit of different goals, the road will not be the same.

Wu Da Cheng is a manager of a small pany. He is over 40 years old. He has a car and a house, but he has a lot of loans behind him.Every day, in addition to developing suppliers and developing new products, he need to develop new customers, preferably big customers.He needs to visit clients every day and develop new ones.

Because according to marketing theory, if you visit ten customers, you can only make one deal.He had taken a nice supper in the car that night, but when he was hungry, he found it was cold.The weather has entered the autumn, can not eat cold.

He went to a restaurant and had dinner.There is a restaurant similar to Shaxian Delicacies called Fujian Snacks.

Besides visiting new customers, his other task was to recruit new salesmen, but it was not easy to find the right ones.The pany tried to recruit a part-time salesman but couldn't find one.he was going to look for it blindly in the crowd.he found that many people are not willing to do business, because business needs to go out to ask for people, will be rejected again and again, the taste of being rejected by people is not fortable.

Wu Da Cheng met a delivery man outside the restaurant and accosted him.He is about 1.8 meters tall, white and clean, with the capital of a star face.It's a far different image from the rest of the take-out guys.Perhaps ask him to do a part-time salesman, with his handsome image can make the product sell very well.

He said his name was Liu Longsheng because he was born in the year of the Dragon.So his parents named him Longsheng.He said he graduated from junior high school and went to work in jiangnan in jiangsu province. bozhou, his hometown in Fuyang, Anhui province, where farming is the main industry and job opportunities are few.Then, he came to the fireworks in March jiangnan, in a cabinet wardrobe enterprise to do carpentry, after the shift, leisure time, out to deliver food, sometimes a night can earn 60 or 70 rmb , sometimes can earn more than 100 rmb .When it's cold, or when it rains, it's harder.But for his family, It's worth it.He got married soon after he graduated from junior high school. He is thirty-two now and his child is fourteen years old. In his hometown, many people get married and have children at an early age.He bought a second-hand house here in the south, also bought a car, life is still moderately well-off.It's probably better than those who stay at home and farm.



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