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大家在看斗破苍穹之至高真神 斗破:开局一个青铜宝箱 一个路过的冒险家 遮天:无情天帝 斗罗之开局十万年魂骨 南北杂货 执法者手册 奥特曼之流浪亡魂 从宝莲灯前传开始穿越诸天 我从斗罗镜像诸天 
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Wu Da cheng was in the face of mixed customer reviews, sometimes the heart or a little unbearable.So I asked my classmates in Singapore.SAM, a student from Singapore, said that since the outbreak of the epidemic, relatives living in Singapore and Malaysia have to face each other across the sea, because even though there is only one strait between countries, customs clearance between the two sides is restricted and they are not allowed to e and go at will.Relatives living in two places can only look across the sea and hold up signs saying I miss you.This shows that Singaporeans in developed countries also have some frustration.

SAM also told Wu another story about the sea so that he could see himself in a better light:

One day, the waves swept away the child's shoes. The child wrote on the beach: The sea is a thief!

A man fished out some good things in the sea and wrote on the beach: The sea is so generous!

A teenager drowned, his mother wrote in the sea: the sea is a murderer!

An old man caught the pearl and wrote,“How kind the sea is!...Then a wave came up and wiped out all the words, and the sea said calmly: If you want to be the sea, don't care what others say about you!Because you can't please everyone.If life had been easy, you wouldn't have started in this world by crying!

Perhaps, we live in this world, also have to face the pros and cons of the choice.You have to follow your heart.Wu Da Cheng continues to send emails to customers online, expecting new orders, which may be rejected, may not be answered, may be waiting for an inquiry, or an interested reply. The future is full of possibilities.

As for the part-time salesman, Liu Longsheng did not say yes or no. Instead, he remended a link to Wu Da Cheng, saying that if you like, you can also deliver food. He is the introducer and he can get 100 rmb as the referral fee.It sounds like Wu Da Cheng is going to recruit Liu Longsheng to join his team. Unexpectedly, Liu Longsheng wants Wu Da Cheng to join the takeaway team instead.It might be like selling, trying to sell something yourself, and sometimes being counter-sold by a prospective customer.


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