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大家在看从水猴子开始成神 大主宰 绝世道君 建立修仙家族,从坊市开始 乱世:从照顾嫂嫂开始修行 蛮荒补天人 蛇仙:开局吞噬仙帝 邪鼎 大荒经 纯阳神体:仙魔双修 
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第2章 梅布尔·霍金斯号

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It's so beautifulI want to give this ball to the childDon't worry, there will be children soonYes, let's wait here for a while and wait for that island to surfaceMmmThe crew decided to wait for the island here, but it was too lonely and lonely, and all the other crew members died except for them.While waiting,

they couldn't help but miss their family and even had the idea of exiting this adventure.But they eventually gave up this idea. Because they found that the existence of this island is worth it, it is a very important experimental base, and perhaps the only place in the world with laboratories and job positions is that island. Although the island is in great crisis, it does exist.Time slowly passed in the long and dry wait, and three days had already passed in a blink of an eye. During these three days,

the crew's mood became increasingly anxious, fearing that the island would sink to the bottom of the sea or never surface.On the morning of the fifth day, a huge wave suddenly rose on the ocean, and the bottom of the sea shook incessantly, as if an earthquake had occurred.Something's wrong! "Someone shouted.Everyone ran out of the cabin door to check the situation. I saw countless huge waves billowing on the sea, as if something huge was about to break through the water.

A dark shadow slowly emerged from the water, seemingly resembling a yacht, but its size was many times larger than that of a regular yacht. Its body is covered with thick scales, and its two sharp horns have sharp serrations at the top. This is a dragon fish! Its dorsal and caudal fins are very broad, resembling the shape of a scallop. After the dragon fish emerged from the water, it opened its mouth and sprayed a blue bubble. The bubble hit the protective covers of the crew and exploded.

This blue bubble contains extremely strong corrosiveness and can easily tear apart metal.Quickly dodge! "Exclaimed the crew, quickly avoiding the bubble.The ship began to shake violently, and the crew had to stabilize their figure. They found that the dragon fish was charging towards the sea at a very fast speed. The dragon fish's back swelled up, revealing a thick and sturdy spine. Its abdomen swells like a hill, as if it is pregnant with something. At this moment, a fierce roar suddenly erupted from the sea, and a huge air wave surged up to a hundred meters high, instantly drowning the dragon fish.After struggling for a few seconds, the dragon fish sank to the bottom of the sea.



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