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大家在看太荒吞天诀 我有一剑 问天三罪 宿命之环 修仙:从在炼器铺当厨子开始 大帝之下我帝境,大帝之上我开挂 反派:气运之子太多,我摆烂了 厨神,妖兽:不好,我们成食材了 玄幻:成为瞎子,我游历江湖 绝世天命大反派 
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第13章 扭曲的森林

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Then Yu Lianyun said, "We don't know where this is. There are very few people here who can help us... We can only use the cold machine to record the spatial direction when we came. Withdrawal. has been tested. Get out.'' This is a place where you can exit again through the entrance. ”

Li Jiahong felt anxious. He was now worried about his wife's safety and didn't know if he would ever find his son and Xue Hanley's three-year-old daughter, who have been missing for 15 years, but he knew he couldn't act alone. So I read it again. What do you do now? ”

“Please find your wife, Gufuoniao,” Li Jian’an said, patting Li Jiahong’s shoulder.

``Gufuo bird?'' Li Jiahong was surprised for a moment, but then he heard from He Jian and the others about the origin of the monster that his wife had transformed.

Li Jian'an said, "Only your wife can fight the modified animals here. We tried to fight one of the modified animals here before, but we almost failed to explain it here." I explained. He bowed his head with a wicked grin and said, He glanced at his left arm. It appears that he was attacked by a modified animal and suffered a fracture in his left arm. Even though I could hardly move now, I felt pain every time I moved.

Li, Yu Lianyun, and Li Yinchi almost did their best, even using forbidden weapons, and finally killed the modified animal, which may or may not have been modified by humans. And no one could kill such a corrupt and powerful creature. This exotic city and rugged rocky landscape is home to countless people.

Human power is still small. Compared to blowfish and their shapeshifting animals, they are as fragile as toilet paper, tearing and being manipulated at will.

Hearing that the three members of the secret team in front of him wanted to rely on their wives, who had turned into monster mothers, to act as bodyguards for thugs, Li Jiahong still felt an indescribable strangeness, but at that moment, he I wasn't there. I was in a playful mood and couldn't laugh at all. All he could say was, "So how do I find it?"



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站内强推十日终焉 师姐,请自重 降临他的盛夏 我在异世封神 退婚后,高冷女帝后悔了 权欲:从乡镇到省委大院 惹金枝 仙逆 异兽迷城 七零军婚这女同志太能干了得升职 截教扫地仙的诸天修行 开局沉睡十万年,苏醒后直接无敌 从龙头开始,制霸港综 网游:我有超神级天赋 东恒青云 剑来 重生官场:从京都下基层权利巅峰 大奉打更人 四合院回到五零 凡人修仙传! 
经典收藏全职法师 从水猴子开始成神 巫师:从骑士呼吸法开始肝经验 豪门枭士 开局长生不死,谁都以为我无敌 全家老六,我只好在青楼躺平了 开局天牢狱卒,苟到无敌才出世! 封神:说好昏君,咋成了万古人皇 双生武魂,满级魅力,妖女请自重 带着农场混异界 大主宰 灵墟,剑棺,瞎剑客 仙源农场 大荒经 开局成圣却做了上门女婿 神秘空间:顶级悟性加持 修仙家族:灵石加成系统 掌门师叔不可能是凡人 开局混沌剑体,打造不朽仙族 九转涅盘诀 
最近更新凌峰重生六界任遨游 救赎诗章 穿越后我的眼睛很怪 洪荒:万界人族英灵,拜见人祖! 剑破仙尘 血道仙尊 穿越诸天的小蛇蛇在都市化龙 此身误在我生前 异界召唤之帝庭 白莲洲 群穿后,我在异界学魔法 师尊劝退?和魔族女帝结婚急什么 玄幻:剑戮玄苍 魂穿开挂,但是系统有毒 冥河主宰传说 天庭重工之为万世开太平 摆烂三年,出手震惊宗门 我家有个修仙界 污蔑时清高,逼我入魔后哭什么? 如果修仙会怎样 
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