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大家在看大家都是邪魔,怎么你浑身圣光? 天人图谱 剑道第一仙 老祖别苟了,宇宙要没了 开局心脏被挖,我移植魔祖之心 玄幻:成为瞎子,我游历江湖 全家老六,我只好在青楼躺平了 玄幻反派:女主把握不住,让爹来 稳健修仙:我的增益效果随机翻倍 乱世:从照顾嫂嫂开始修行 
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第26章 尤哥特

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“Finally, please don’t vent your negative emotions here. Absolutely not,” Xin Junmao said solemnly to Li Nuowei.

A hole in the world of 118,000 people

"What happens if you can't control your negative emotions?" Li Nuowei asked carefully and curiously.

"He will be a very fragrant and charming person," Xin Junmao said tastefully.

Li Nuowei was silent for a moment. While walking with Xin Junmao, he sometimes received careful care from Xin Junmao. Seeing the honest and unhypocritical attitude of others, he let his guard down.

Walking through the city's lowlands, where there are few tall buildings, Li Nuwei suddenly noticed that the place was full of red and black colors, like a wrinkled red curtain. There were many gaps in the sky, large and small. Each space had a dark green line, as if trying to open it or close it. He couldn't help but be surprised and pointed to the hole and asked, "What is this?"

“This is a space passage.” Xin Junmao’s eyes had a slightly plicated expression, “I said that there are other ordinary animals in this world. The world in which we humans live, Other races in the universe can also summon them through rituals. But there are other extreme animals that are "dominating, greedy, and rulers of this world." No matter who you call into this world, in the end only this ruler will respond.

This hole is an ``unhealed'' space passage that was forcibly opened by the ruler of this world to prevent the passage from closing when a summoning ritual was performed on the other side and the space passage was opened. ”

``Since you can open a passage, why don't you dig directly from a certain passage?'' Li Nuowei felt a little unbelievable and surprised at the master's power to open even time and space with ``brutal force.'' .

Xin Junmao: "That's why I said that the other person was greedy. The master is so great. Why did I say before that you shouldn't drink the water of this world, much less go near the water of this world? Did you know? The water in this world is actually the main body of the Overlord, and the water in the entire world is connected from the surface and underground, and you can imagine it if you think about the area that the ocean occupies on the surface of the earth in the real world.Overlord is great.



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站内强推十日终焉 我不是戏神 疯批小师叔她五行缺德 绑定神豪系统后我成了豪门真千金 深空彼岸 青云仕途 剑来 帝御无疆 太荒吞天诀 仙逆 最强弃少 校花学姐从无绯闻,直到我上大学 四合院的钓鱼佬 全家偷听我心声杀疯了,我负责吃奶 宿命之环 小京官之女养家日常 官场之绝对权力 穿成孩子妈,奋斗成赢家 你一个交警,抢刑侦的案子合适吗 我开的真是孤儿院,不是杀手堂 
经典收藏全职法师 从水猴子开始成神 镇守仙秦:地牢吞妖六十年 万相之王 封神:说好昏君,咋成了万古人皇 强化子嗣,我的后代都是仙界大佬 万古神帝 人道大圣 逆天邪神 大主宰 灵墟,剑棺,瞎剑客 系统赋我长生,我熬死了所有人 开局成圣却做了上门女婿 洪荒:我祸害三教,你不分家了? 掌门师叔不可能是凡人 刚成鸿蒙至尊,就被榜单曝光了! 仙源农场 玄幻:北凉世子,签到亿万神魔 全民领主:群美相伴,华夏再起! 多子多福,我的子嗣都是仙灵根 
最近更新被废后,她们都想让我吃软饭 钢铁洪流敲响:开门,自由贸易! 我闪,我闪,我再闪 我成为了孙悟空成佛路上最大反派 仙道始祖 我的舔狗女友在异世居然是女帝 开局易筋经,苟到最后才出手 修仙,属性加点成圣 修仙界最后一具僵尸 我觉醒了个系统,打劫 坏了,我成主角贵人了! 不如全民躺平 天道欠我一袋米 杀手?叫我加钱居士! 顺天成道逆天而行 你惹他干嘛?他是排行榜第一 四域众生 神魔共修 神界最强剑帝 我也来时空救援了 
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