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大家在看闭关十万年,无敌真寂寞 系统赋我长生,我熬死了所有人 问天三罪 悟性逆天:我在藏经阁创造无敌法 乱世书 老祖别苟了,宇宙要没了 绝世天命大反派 双生武魂,满级魅力,妖女请自重 我!剧透天道,通天彻底黑化了 西游:贫僧不想取西经 
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第27章 阿卡姆

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Yu Lianyun remembered the cabin in the forest. In the end, Wei Jiang had nowhere to go after death, so he came to Boss Lin's shop to do some chores.

However, soon Yu Lianyun rejected the idea of going to the hut in the forest after Li Yingqi died. Because if Li Yingqi really lived in a different way like him, Wei Jiang would not be sad for him temporarily.

However, Yu Lianyun also had doubts that Li Yingqi was still alive.

So Yu Lianyun prayed to his father to drive him out.

got it -

Just when Yu Lianyun's heart woke up, in the midst of lightning and thunder, in the tunnel illuminated by lightning, the shadow of Yu Lianyun's feet changed strangely, and then a middle-aged man appeared from the shadow. It came out and changed. He got out of the car and shouted at Yu Lianyun.

Hearing the sound, Yu Lianyun glanced at the other party helplessly, "I'm not calling you, I'm calling my real father."

The personification of blessing was his father. She didn't seem to understand what he was saying, so she laughed and ran her hand through her hair.

Yu Lianyun sighed, but in the blink of an eye, time and space changed, and suddenly he felt that his legs were in the air, and his body became unstable, almost falling into the darkness in front of him.

Yu Lianyun barely managed to stabilize her face, but she realized that she was no longer in the tunnel. In front of me was a dark basement staircase. He finally reached the plane's shelter safely.

125 Goodbye Quagmire

Walking down the dark, damp underground stairs, Yu Lianyun listened to the sound of running water until he reached the underground space where he had taken refuge during the war.

Yu Lianyun prepared for the trip and turned on her night vision goggles. All the darkness before his eyes became clear. He saw webbed footprints on the ground extending in an unknown direction.



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站内强推十日终焉 降临他的盛夏 我在异世封神 烟雨楼 重生:1977 退婚后,高冷女帝后悔了 权欲:从乡镇到省委大院 惹金枝 我在古玩街捡漏,开局十万倍利润 道卷之武初 从重生九零开始:做空美股石油 权臣的在逃白月光 龙族 开局沉睡十万年,苏醒后直接无敌 东恒青云 剑来 大奉打更人 重生商纣,开局怒怼圣人女娲 四合院回到五零 凡人修仙传! 
经典收藏全职法师 巫师:从骑士呼吸法开始肝经验 豪门枭士 万倍返还,我收徒百无禁忌 万古第一废材 开局长生不死,谁都以为我无敌 全家老六,我只好在青楼躺平了 开局天牢狱卒,苟到无敌才出世! 狱卒:简化融合万法,我为长生仙 大家都是邪魔,怎么你浑身圣光? 带着农场混异界 稳健修仙:我的增益效果随机翻倍 大主宰 灵墟,剑棺,瞎剑客 开局成圣却做了上门女婿 神秘空间:顶级悟性加持 掌门师叔不可能是凡人 刚成鸿蒙至尊,就被榜单曝光了! 开局混沌剑体,打造不朽仙族 九转涅盘诀 
最近更新阎王下山 凡世修仙传之傲世巅峰之路 穿越到异界,苟在酒馆修仙到飞升 女帝逼走我后,才发现我无敌天下 传玄已死,热血难凉 诸因永断 凌峰重生六界任遨游 救赎诗章 穿越后我的眼睛很怪 洪荒:万界人族英灵,拜见人祖! 凡人修仙从熟练度面板开始 领主:从开拓领主到北境国王 开局获得药圣传承 玄天战帝 我乃天下之蝶仙 重生冥河:什么吃瓜?是爆瓜系统 乞命浮生路 无双废柴 灵幻界:逆天废柴逆袭记 制霸仙途 
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