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大家在看全职法师 我的弟子全是大帝之资 豪门枭士 强化子嗣:我后代遍布修仙界 系统赋我长生,我熬死了所有人 哥布林从剑之圣女开始 天人图谱 老祖别苟了,宇宙要没了 大荒经 靠着系统无敌,知道我有多苦吗? 
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第55章 恩卡图尔

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His wife and children then asked him to open the door. Huang Zheng-do felt a little scared, but he still opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, Huang Zhengdao saw Ji Jian, who had no human form and was formed into a lake of flesh and blood, standing outside the door with a severed face and a strange smile. I saw you there.

Huang Zheng-do didn't care what the other person said. He was already scared and crying on the spot.

In fact, Huang Zheng-do also suddenly woke up. I got out of bed in a cold sweat and woke up at 11am the next morning.

“Damn, what kind of ghost did you dream about?” Huang Zhengdao grumbled and wiped his forehead with his hand, which quickly became wet.

This amazing amount of sweat.

Huang Zhengdo shook his collar and felt a little warm. When he looked up, he realized with dismay that he had forgotten to turn on the air conditioner.

When I got home, I was so sleepy that I pletely forgot to turn on the air conditioner to sleep in the middle of summer.

I quickly turned on the air conditioner, went to the closet to get some dry clothes, and headed to the bathroom.

I had to take a shower now. Sleeping in sweaty clothes was unfortable and made me more likely to catch a cold.

However, after taking a bath and changing his clothes, Huang Zhengdao felt a little disappointed that he was so energetic now that he couldn't sleep at all.

Insomnia began to bother him again.

Even if you don't have to go to work tomorrow, insomnia doesn't happen every day or two. Even if you continue like this and can't sleep normally on Sunday nights, you'll still have problems.

Considering this, Huang Zheng-do felt that he needed to see a doctor, and also looked for ways to help him sleep.

After this thought, Huang Zhengdao called the internal medicine department of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital at night, searched for information about sleep aids on the Internet, and noticed related videos and "sleep aid sounds".



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