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大家在看大主宰 女侠且慢 宿命之环 修仙:从在炼器铺当厨子开始 老祖别苟了,宇宙要没了 厨神,妖兽:不好,我们成食材了 开局心脏被挖,我移植魔祖之心 绝世天命大反派 噬神塔 逍遥四公子 
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第58章 埃尔德里西亚

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Of course, these little problems did not diminish Alya's interest one bit. His ears received another name, Gad, a good name. Aria drank a cup of strong coffee, felt so cold that she wanted to vomit, and drank three glasses of water.

Richard's appearance is not often described, but in the case of Aaliyah, although she is an evil spirit, she is an angel who brings good fortune, so it is a shame that she is so beautiful. In his eyes, she is prettier than an idol but on the other hand, if he grabs Alya's bag, even though she looks like an angel, in his eyes she looks like a demon.Sho.

Alia warmly weles Roya's visit, as she is not a person who judges people by their looks, but analyzes different opinions based on their true merit.

Don't want to drink? Oh, I forgot, we have nothing to drink at home except boiled water.

At first, Alia wanted to show her love and hard work, but because of the money and what was in the house, she only used the "Xavi" method, no, she had to do better. Wele, rarely used. Aria is looking for a lawyer. Richard will not be happy about this.

By the look of confusion on his face, Richard realized what he saw. In fact, here you only use your eyes, you don't need to use your feet. You get a good look when you walk into this room. It's not that big and looks like an office, but Richard was really scared when he saw this photo. I understand what the value is, but what the client wants has nothing to do with it.

So Richard resisted the urge to talk about it and focused on his professional behavior, pointing out that he shouldn't be gossiping at that time, and that after he finished his work as a lawyer, for example, he should discuss inheritance issues. on top of it. And it became a rumor. Give the treasure chest on the left to Aria. It's time for him to do some secret work.



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站内强推十日终焉 师姐,请自重 降临他的盛夏 诸神愚戏 我在异世封神 重生:1977 校花学姐从无绯闻,直到我上大学 惹金枝 仙逆 道卷之武初 从重生九零开始:做空美股石油 权臣的在逃白月光 从龙头开始,制霸港综 四合院:我乃退伍老兵,善恶分明 飒爽女侠带港口空间穿六零 四合院回到五零 老祖别苟了,宇宙要没了 系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 史上最强炼气期 凡人修仙传! 
经典收藏全职法师 从水猴子开始成神 巫师:从骑士呼吸法开始肝经验 镇守仙秦:地牢吞妖六十年 豪门枭士 万古第一废材 全家老六,我只好在青楼躺平了 开局天牢狱卒,苟到无敌才出世! 封神:说好昏君,咋成了万古人皇 大家都是邪魔,怎么你浑身圣光? 带着农场混异界 稳健修仙:我的增益效果随机翻倍 仙源农场 大荒经 掌门师叔不可能是凡人 开局混沌剑体,打造不朽仙族 异世邪君 轮回丹帝 开局金风细雨楼主,一刀惊天下 九转涅盘诀 
最近更新凌峰重生六界任遨游 救赎诗章 混沌匪神 剑破仙尘 凡尘仙缘 极尽浩然一剑纵横 穿越诸天的小蛇蛇在都市化龙 此身误在我生前 凡人修仙,造物神器聚灵盘 群穿后,我在异界学魔法 师尊劝退?和魔族女帝结婚急什么 弃子修仙录 冥河主宰传说 天庭重工之为万世开太平 让你花钱,你去收集奴隶美少女? 父子同穿:我儿有大帝之资 穿越7世,我成了人类的创造神 污蔑时清高,逼我入魔后哭什么? 梦演师 我以儒道压万古,镇天庭 
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