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大家在看我的弟子全是大帝之资 太荒吞天诀 我有一剑 问天三罪 宿命之环 修仙:从在炼器铺当厨子开始 反派:气运之子太多,我摆烂了 厨神,妖兽:不好,我们成食材了 噬神塔 斗罗大陆之史莱克七怪的成神之路 
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第58章 埃尔德里西亚

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For example, "Fake Magic Book Dealer" and "Evil Pirate Dealer" refer to a useless "Magic Book" (the magical knowledge is real, but all the powers in it increase. It is very weak) but tan -seems to be true). As any good magic book should have).

Aria realizes that even though the lawyer bought the magic book he created, he was tricked, and he came to take revenge even though he didn't have to. The sale of "magic books" should not be carried out, then it is impossible.

Aria felt sad and couldn't control her voice.

So what happens? Please understand that I don't know how to make money. So don't e near me.

Don't worry, I'm not here to ask you for money.

When Aria asked for money, Richard understood the other's fault in his heart, looked at the studio and the room, and smiled softly, realizing that he also understood the other's part. 'Poor man. , there is an increase, but in this he is different from the adults, none of them talk about money.

However, that's why Richard is confident in the future "personal use." As a lawyer, he has no shortage of money, lives a rich life and enjoys a high social status. Rich and successful people probably don't think that problems that can be solved by money are a big deal.

However, he is also concerned and, as far as he knows, does not believe that Aaliyah's current actions are her true actions.

No one knows what the students are doing in the "Mystery Topic", and even if the students want to talk to each other, it is very difficult to keep walking silently due to the lack of information, and actually do said Richard. It is also very difficult for students without "hidden research" to find "hidden topics".

Aria, are you a "Mystery Topic" student?

! ?

Wondering why it was opened? Aria thought for a moment. As a Miskatonic student, Aria knew very well that these things were not supposed to be written down, and if they hadn't said it, she wouldn't have known, because it was a plete secret. . Aria could have said nothing.



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