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大家在看全职法师 我的弟子全是大帝之资 豪门枭士 强化子嗣:我后代遍布修仙界 我的修炼时间和人不一样 太荒吞天诀 系统赋我长生,我熬死了所有人 星辰王 丹道第一圣 仙路诛仙 
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第63章 现实的趋同

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John's performance was certainly poor and it is difficult to explain his situation after leaving the club.

029 Poseidon's Treasure (22)

John was very tired and his heart was filled with the desire to sleep, and night came, and after suffering for half a day, John's body and soul were filled with sleep.

Even if he was imprisoned in a small prison, he could not stop the magic of the demonic dream.

John really wanted to please him, but at some point his mind was affected and it was difficult to stay awake.

All John really wants to do is go home and drink strong coffee, then watch the stock market rise and fall and ponder his fate.

But the truth is, he can't drink good coffee.

There is no regular water to drink or food to satisfy hunger.

The only way to get over your hunger is to get yourself a drink.

The stupid and foolish words of the seagull worried John so much that he had no choice but to kneel down, kneel on the ground, and straighten himself.

Well, I want to hear the reason, not just the nonsense.

Under the attack of the demons of hunger and fatigue, and the rejection of all discipline and self-discipline, John spoke harshly but frankly.

Sigeth answered with a strange grin, then looked at John mockingly and ignorantly. As if mocking him, he was in hell, but there were some bad thoughts.

You don't know anything, you don't understand what happened in this city or this island, you don't understand what you will see in the future. Because if I had known now I would have opened my eyes. His eyes were blinded and his ears pierced.



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