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第67章 连接中的战斗

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But Aaliyah had no reason to talk now, the thunder was thundering in her heart.

With the noise es a desire to eat dirt.

Aria tried to suppress her embarrassment, but the smell of beer in the white fog clouded her thoughts.

Logically there is no restaurant here, so his body is not pletely confused. Perhaps because she didn't like the new food, Aaliyah was finally punished by the sweet god.

The eyes of a wise man were full of drunkenness, and even though he was not drinking, a small smile appeared on Baiji's face as he drank alcohol and opened the door.


A girl with long green hair and a beautiful face like Aaliyah.

In fact, it would be bad if he didn't have the maturity level to pete with a 10,000-year-old girl.

she is a beautiful woman

Her long emerald green hair that reached her waist was tied in a ponytail with a hair tie. His skin is smooth and marble-white.

She wore a black suit that did not pletely hide her body and showed off her beautiful figure.

His right eye and left eye were as red as jewels.

His dark eyes, with vague hints of desire, stared at this stranger, Alya, who was already a bit drunk and not happy with her hot state.

Aria put her hand on her chest. I looked at the woman's chest, although the pressure wasn't too bad. It made his heart beat faster and gave him an eerie feeling of joy. He ate the food in a hurry, he was so busy that he forgot his hunger to feed his body.

Someone raised him with enough prejudice, which may be the best way to ensure a normal sex life.

I run a shop here in Naiya, but there are hardly any customers, especially at this time of the year, and I am still a woman.

Sorry I was born too young.

Alya expressed her dissatisfaction with Nia's store manager's words, then looked at one of her breasts with envy, and a second later she thought of something.



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