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大家在看全职法师 我的弟子全是大帝之资 豪门枭士 帝御无疆 从水猴子开始成神 太荒吞天诀 天渊 惊天剑帝 星辰王 渊天尊 
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第78章 公开战争的爆发

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However, these reasons do not solve one thing: Hardeg's call at this time is dangerous and important.

Maybe this is the gender he wanted to invite in the first place.

A terrible and tragic demon slayer and evil life itself.

Aren't all gods the same?

Although he is not a being who can gain the power of a god, he is at least stronger than the gods that exist in the mythological world.

At first they were able to control Hardeg.

Gastur, immersed in a sea of golden flames, also had this opportunity.

On the other hand, Michelle has this ability because of her full focus on supernatural weapons.

If you focus on Hardegger, you can erase that frustration.

Gastour is a man.

It was as if a messenger of death had e to his side, even though the golden flame tormented him and the fear of death continued to show strength in his body.

However, Gastur's will allows him to take the right and effective actions.

This will kill Hager.

When he raised his right hand, the magic turned into a terrifying beam of light. It is not a static invalid ray, but something mysterious, like something emerging from a plasma state.

He knew that Michel would not give him such a chance, so he used this intelligence as a means of attack.

But he underestimated Michel's will, or...

His stupidity.

With his will, the chain turned into a fierce beast that attacked the sky with lightning bolts.

Aerial dancing also turned into a massacre.

Also, that would ruin the madness and bee a serious killing intent.



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