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大家在看我的修炼时间和人不一样 大家都是邪魔,怎么你浑身圣光? 被关十万年,我疯了,也无敌了 开局心脏被挖,我移植魔祖之心 全家老六,我只好在青楼躺平了 绝世天命大反派 综武:娶妻徐渭熊,打造无上帝族 万古之王 绝世神皇 玄蛇成仙,从镇族老祖开始 
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第84章 深红地穴

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Unless there are special modifications, perhaps its ultimate fate will be a breeding tool for deep-sea divers.

The golden horse said everything in a soft voice.

And on the way, Nancy appeared like an evil ghost and raised her hand to slap the golden horse in the face.

The golden horse moved slowly and avoided the blows of the enemy.

He then reached out and touched Nancy's body with his fingers, igniting a blue lightning fire. Nancy fell to the ground as if she had been electrocuted.

Why did they say that?

Nancy looked like she was going to cry, no, she really cried like a baby.

It's not that I'm hiding it, and Angel seems very confused, so it's my job to settle the confusion of others.

What did I not do? Nancy couldn't believe what the golden horse said and asked again.

No, like I said, that's my job.

The eyes of the golden horse are pure and do not need to lie.

As the ruler of this room, he should not speak and cannot understand the emotions and thoughts of ordinary people, because the Trojan mind is different from people.

But unless the golden horse is a lie, this answer will reveal a lot of information.

However, Nancy, who was mourning at the time, did not understand the message from the other side.

If you look closely, Nancy's Golden Horse points out the real differences between these researchers, which are not difficult.

But Nancy doesn't notice it now, but maybe she will when she calms down.

He thought about it too, but such a bad attitude meant nothing to him and he found this Trojan attitude interesting.

However, this time, Annie was a little far away, her eyes were unintentional, and she did not look into Nancy's eyes.

After expressing her anger at the Golden Trojan's sudden misbehavior, Nancy rushes to Angel's side in a masterful move, unaware that she is about to burn 4d6. When Annie realizes who he is, she kicks him to death.



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