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大家在看帝御无疆 惊天剑帝 霸天武魂 宿命之环 蛮荒补天人 逆天悟性:从开创观想法开始长生 小师弟要逆天 谁让你能力这么用的? 玄蛇成仙,从镇族老祖开始 乱世:从照顾嫂嫂开始修行 
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第91章 Y'grakh的部落知识

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But since they were all in the same camp, everyone had something they didn't want others to know, so Frank wasn't too suspicious.

Aria's initial expression didn't seem to change from suspicion, and she took a slow breath as if to control herself.

Book of fools 139 (32)

Red blood, blood flows like fire.

He will fall from the throne of heaven and flow like an alpine spring.

I looked up to the sky and saw blood pouring out like a fountain.

His nose was bloody, but it was definitely human blood.

Logically speaking, the word "good" has nothing to do with it, and the smell of rust lingering in your nose will not make you happy no matter how you look at it.

However, at this time, this strange smell of blood has a mysterious power that attracts others, and they smell the smell of wine, which is the exact opposite of the smell of blood, but the smell is the same.

In fact, my head and heart can clearly understand something. The fiery liquid that fell from the sky was only blood.

But why am I hurt? There was no way he was reacting to the smell of blood like this.

Angel has an amazing sense of his personality and everyone he understands.

Is it really hard to understand why your body and mind behave the way they do?

It is difficult to understand and there is no way to understand it.

His eyes became less clear and more confused.

His gaze was so intense that his soul seemed to be half asleep and half awake.

At this time, the heart and mind seem to be asleep.

But despite this, An Yi understood that the place he was in was a strange place.

One is lost and wandering aimlessly.

He didn't know why he was here, what this place was, or what he was looking for.

A strange and contradictory world where even what people consider mon sense collides.

This world is pletely against reason.



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站内强推十日终焉 权力巅峰:从基层公务员开始 退婚后,高冷女帝后悔了 绑定神豪系统后我成了豪门真千金 开局停职?我转投市纪委调查组 深空彼岸 大佬归来,假千金她不装了 我在星际重着山海经 剑来 最强弃少 流氓帝师 在美漫当心灵导师的日子 全家偷听我心声杀疯了,我负责吃奶 我的弟子全是大帝之资 七零军婚:随军后她风靡家属院 少年王 截教扫地仙的诸天修行 流氓县令:女帝裙下臣 官场宏图 我开的真是孤儿院,不是杀手堂 
经典收藏全职法师 道诡异仙 打坐就能涨法力,贫道要无敌 万相之王 全家老六,我只好在青楼躺平了 封神:说好昏君,咋成了万古人皇 厨神,妖兽:不好,我们成食材了 开局天牢狱卒,苟到无敌才出世! 万古神帝 灵墟,剑棺,瞎剑客 系统赋我长生,我熬死了所有人 多子多福,从拿捏九幽女帝开始! 全球守护灵:开局获得东皇帝俊 什么,梦中的娘子都是真的 玄蛇成仙,从镇族老祖开始 玄幻:我能捡属性变强 蛮荒补天人 古仙复苏,一万狐狸拜我为师 玄幻:成为瞎子,我游历江湖 我一不小心把东方神全唤醒了 
最近更新被废后,她们都想让我吃软饭 钢铁洪流敲响:开门,自由贸易! 我闪,我闪,我再闪 我成为了孙悟空成佛路上最大反派 渺纪双生 系统:开局让我扰乱封神 首富天尊 反派:断离宗门后被狐妖师尊掳走 仙道始祖 爽歪歪!秦宇破魔咒:废柴的春天 众女背叛,记忆曝光后世人哭泣 玄幻:穿越当日,奖励仙王境修为 穿越成石头后,我召唤玩家 我变成了一辆修仙神车 模拟武道,横推江湖一甲子! 玄幻:我有金手指和一个好爹 成为土匪当天,系统赋予圣人修为 胡扯,神树大人怎么可能是邪神? 混沌修仙诀 为朝效力被污蔑?我走了你别后悔 
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