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大家在看豪门枭士 太荒吞天诀 我有一剑 金丹是恒星,你管这叫修仙? 霸天武魂 万相之王 逆天悟性:从开创观想法开始长生 开局心脏被挖,我移植魔祖之心 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 西游:贫僧不想取西经 
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At this moment, there were scattered footsteps outside the storage area, as well as the roar of zombies, if any. Through the hidden small window, one can see the defeated and fleeing exploration team members running towards the depths of the city in fear.

The defense line has been breached, run for your life! There are cries ing from outside, and everyone hiding in the B-7 storage room is sinking into the abyss.

A soldier from the city defense team couldn't bear to open the door, but two other soldiers stopped him.

Why didn't you save them? "The soldier looked puzzled.

Save yourself first, "replied the obstructing soldier.

Are you still human or not? Do you have human nature? "The soldier who planned to open the door looked sad.

At this moment, Xu Fei walked up and held down the soldier under his mand, saying, "Open the door, you can't save anyone, and you'll have to take everyone's lives

But they are all living people! "The soldier cried out.

Xu Fei remained silent. Not long ago, he learned that he had the only chance to escape. He was grateful for Lin Erge's arrangement, so he vowed to do his best to protect Lin He and escape from the city. Therefore, in the face of responsibility and burden, he is unwilling to bear too much burden.

Death may be their fate, it is destined. And you, warrior, have a mission to survive, "Xu Fei explained.

What other mission do I have? I haven't even gone down to the city, "the soldier shook his head and said in pain.

Protect Mayor Lin and find new places to live, "Xu Fei said.

This is the mission you're talking about? What kind of mission is this? "The soldier pletely collapsed, and in his heart, perhaps only the home of Downtown. As for who owns the home, he doesn't care at all. What's the use of asking for the master to e and protect our home!



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