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大家在看我有一剑 造化血狱体 乱世书 西游:贫僧不想取西经 重生商纣,开局怒怼圣人女娲 灵墟,剑棺,瞎剑客 绝世道君 斗罗大陆之史莱克七怪的成神之路 丹道第一圣 开局沉睡十万年,苏醒后直接无敌 
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Upon hearing this, everyone was overjoyed and eagerly withdrew from the distance.

Wang Qiang asked for a box of bullets, opened the toolbox, and used a file to make a hole in the bullet head. Wang Qiang's strength in his hand was not as strong as that of humans, and the bullet was quickly opened. At this moment, Xu Fei seemed to have seen some secret. The bullet exploded to increase its destructive power. He took out an object from his pocket and handed it to Wang Qiang.

Try this, "Xu Fei said to Wang Qiang.

Wang Qiangding looked at it and saw that it was an egg shaped grenade, which immediately filled his heart with joy.

It would be great to have this. "Wang Qiang took the grenade and put it aside. He took out an alloy hammer from the toolbox and began to chisel a hole in the stone wall.

At this point, the oxygen in the air became increasingly scarce, and many people had already withered to the ground. Wang Qiang had to accelerate his work.

Insert a bullet into a hole. Wang Qiang took a few steps back and raised his rifle to aim at the bullet embedded in the stone wall, pulling the trigger.

With a crisp sound, a spark exploded from the stone wall.

Wang Qiang looked closer and saw a gap about three inches deep on the stone wall. Wang Qiang filled the gap again with bullets and used them to stimulate the explosive force according to the law, finally creating a two-and-a-half foot gap on the stone wall.

After pleting this series of work, Wang Qiang embedded the remaining bullets around the stone wall and then stuffed the grenade into the gap that was finally blown out.

Walking a hundred meters away, Wang Qiang focused his gun and aimed at the grenade. There was no light ahead in the dark tunnel, but Wang Qiang could truly see the grenade inside the stone wall.



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