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大家在看从水猴子开始成神 我有一剑 闭关十万年,无敌真寂寞 乱世书 哥布林从剑之圣女开始 开局无敌仙帝,打造万界第一宗 厨神,妖兽:不好,我们成食材了 绝世天命大反派 丹道第一圣 全家老六,我只好在青楼躺平了 
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Brother Wang Qiang, he has a great marksmanship, which is truly shocking to the world. Old Fang, I have opened my eyes, "Fang Guohui said with a bright eye.

Where and where, it's just a small skill of carving insects. "Wang Qiang said lightly.

Then I'll thank you for the brothers! "Fang Guohui clenched his fists.

It's a simple move, it's not worth mentioning. Besides, everyone needs to escape together, so don't be too polite. "Wang Qiang smiled.

This person is so refreshing, he doesn't have the airs of a master at all! Fang Guohui thought.

I don't know if Brother Wang is interested in joining our army. I believe that with your help, you can easily obtain merits and rewards, "Fang Guohui thought to himself.

Upon hearing this, Wang Qiang thought for a moment and then shook his head, saying, "I can't do it now. I still have something to do, and the future is unknown

Fang Guohui's face showed a regretful expression.

The team did not wait for a long delay and began to move south again. Except for Wang Qiang, no one noticed that on the walls of the skyscraper, there was a zombie body hanging high on the platform of the glass window

The troops fled all the way, exchanging sporadic fire no less than thirty times during this period. They successively rescued more than a hundred refugees and sacrificed the lives of several fresh soldiers before finally entering the boundaries of Dongming District.

At this time, the Dongming District was already plagued by chaos, and the military's troops were gathering here, engaged in fierce battles with the vanguard troops of the zombie wave.

The sky was filled with the roar of guns and thunder, and the earth shook mountains. Half of the city was illuminated by the flames of gunfire.

It seems that there is a major problem with the western defense line, otherwise the defense area wouldn't have fought so fiercely. The military district's heavy artillery group was deployed! After this battle, regardless of victory or defeat, half of Shuimen City will be in ruins, "Fang Guohui said anxiously.



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经典收藏全职法师 系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 修仙:从在炼器铺当厨子开始 万倍返还,我收徒百无禁忌 宿命之环 悟性逆天:我在藏经阁创造无敌法 天材地宝杂质太多?让我提纯一下 厨神,妖兽:不好,我们成食材了 高武:六扇门武神,镇压天下 开局万倍地图,苟到天荒地老 混沌天帝诀 出生秒仙帝,除了无敌还是无敌 女儿大闹修仙界,我仙帝身份曝光 瞎编功法,徒儿你真练成了? 开局封王,从建立镇诡司开始 神秘空间:顶级悟性加持 剑道第一仙 开局落魄藩王,打造万界无上仙庭 从旁门小修到元神道君 趋吉避凶,从天师府开始 
最近更新家族秘宝引仙途 开局断绝关系,我成万道魔尊 开局流放北凉,签到神魔吕布 无敌的随性日常 高武:悟性超绝,我真的出息了! 长生:从种田小游戏开始! 洪荒:开局不死不灭 僵祖临世 小甜蜜 天道家族:李云的崛起 九州拍卖阁 睡觉?吾梦中好杀仙 胎中助母修行,出世踢飞准圣爷爷 林七,养好小白龙 康斯坦丁,请叫我癌症克星 读书潜修十年,只手镇压黑暗动乱 玄幻:师尊别闹,我真累了 天鬼谣 替主角做选择?那我不客气了! 重生之后别人叫我加钱仙尊 
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