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大家在看强化子嗣:我后代遍布修仙界 绝世唐门 厄难天书 西游:贫僧不想取西经 星辰王 修行,从照顾师娘开始 开局心脏被挖,我移植魔祖之心 丹道第一圣 谁让你能力这么用的? 玄幻:开局九个仙女师傅 
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The mand center was in an uproar!

Fifty people cannot handle it, and five thousand people are of no use. How wayward and ungrateful this is!

No one believed such words, everyone showed your fucking teasing eyes, staring at Wang Qiang in a daze.

Everyone doesn't believe it, even the Nian Kuang doesn't believe it.

The elderly General Yun Dongling saw this scene and sighed in his heart. Why is Wang Qiang so worried?

It caught the attention to speak when one should not have spoken.

Okay, let's just say you need a sense of presence, just speak up. The sense of presence has been found, but why do you talk nonsense?

Just talk nonsense, young and inexperienced. It's understandable to talk nonsense, but why bother being so headstrong when you talk nonsense?

Why bother?

But the kind-hearted old general still decided to make a eback, so he spoke up and said, "Nephew Wang Qiangxian, are fifty people too few? Can you consider it again

After a third thought, Wang Qiang finally made a decision: "Fifty people are suitable. If the turtle shell of the giant zombie cannot be broken, no matter how many people there are, it will be of no use

Just as the generals were about to stir up trouble, Nian Shuai waved his hand and made the final ruling: "Since that's the case, let Wang Qiang take someone up and give it a try

General Ye Bufan, who had never spoken, flashed a cold light under his lens and immediately spoke, "Since the mander has issued an order, please ask this warrior to write a military order

Wang Qiang was stunned and said, "Military order certificate? What military order certificate

Ye Bufan sneered and said, "Since you dare to take the initiative to bid, you should write down the military order according to the rules. There are no joking words in the army. If you dare to speak, you must dare to act, and if you dare to act, you must dare to take responsibility. Otherwise, the soldiers who fought with blood may not be convinced



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站内强推十日终焉 我不是戏神 穿越星际妻荣夫贵 绝对权力:我就是靠山 退婚后,高冷女帝后悔了 万古之王 剑道第一仙 太荒吞天诀 阴阳墓蛊 官场:分手后,我转身考上省组部 规则怪谈,欢迎来到甜蜜的家 惊!天降老公竟是首富 开局同学会上中奖两亿五千万 官场之绝对权力 重生:权势巅峰 仙逆 四合院:我有一个小世界 官运:从遇到美女书记开始 重生后,我成了奸臣黑月光 七零军婚这女同志太能干了得升职 
经典收藏全职法师 从水猴子开始成神 系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 万倍返还,我收徒百无禁忌 厨神,妖兽:不好,我们成食材了 大家都是邪魔,怎么你浑身圣光? 开局签到荒古圣体 一天升一级,你想退婚就退呗 让你照顾家人,你怎么还无敌了 洪荒:人在截教,努力就能变强! 天兽鼎 领主:我有技能天赋树 逆天邪神 狩魔大宗师 亿倍返还:双手插兜,没有对手! 玄蛇成仙,从镇族老祖开始 靠属性变强,我在镇守司吃软饭 授徒万倍返还,为师从不藏私 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 神秘空间:顶级悟性加持 
最近更新模拟:我人族圣体,竟是妖魔血食 都穿越了谁还当杀手啊 神荒遗卷 变身绝美御姐:我不是炼尸魔尊 无烬妙门 从矿奴开始修仙 宇宙时空塔 九天疯魔 长生:从胸口插剑开始 开局:从水魔法师到至尊传奇 灵气复苏之野外求生 神域,苍之圣洁 女帝后悔变病娇,疯狂赎罪 心声绑定师尊师姐她们都想双修我 长生之死亡就会变强 开局成野神?我靠香火证道真神! 乱世武道:从矿工开始做起 混沌初始 真身是精灵公主,本少爷很慌 长生:从死咒术开始无敌 
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