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Give them all a simple one, send the brothers on their final journey, otherwise if the corpse changes, it will desecrate their souls, "Yu Kuan said to the members of the special forces.

The soldiers silently advanced and drew out their swords to puncture the forehead of their deceased panions. Only a dead person with a pletely damaged brain will not bee a walking corpse, which is a mon understanding after the end of the world and also a tragic symbol of the cruel world.

After finishing all this, Wang Qiang looked at the opposite rooftop.

On the rooftop, there were already zombie figures standing everywhere. These monsters crowded together, chasing through space in the front view, but without exception, they all rolled down from a hundred meters high and fell to the ground, shattering to pieces.

Let's go, we don't have time. The giant zombies are less than 500 meters ahead, that's our goal. As for these zombies, let's hand them over to the defenders of the defense line. "Yu Kuanyi pulled Wang Qiang and signaled to everyone to prepare for the task. The deceased has already passed away, and the living will continue.

Wait, I still have something to do

Wang Qiang turned to Wang Er Ye and said, "Er Ye, I'll lend you a precious knife

Wang Er Ye was puzzled and handed the long knife to Wang Qiang, not forgetting to remind him, "Qiang Wazi, save some trouble. This is a legacy of our family

Wang Qiang took his long sword and casually grabbed a knife flower. Wang Er Ye's eyes were full of brilliance, and he couldn't help praising, "Good move, Qiang Wazi has practiced it

Wang Qiang chuckled at Wang Erye, then held his knife in both hands and stood in front of the spider shaped mutant zombie.

Drink! "Gave a light rebuke.

Wang Qiang's strength was fully unleashed, and a powerful and sharp white blade appeared on his long sword. The blade was about fifty meters long, dragging the ground and cutting across the rooftop, directly cutting off the four sharp iron claws of the zombie. The blade cut off the iron claw of the zombie, without reducing its castration. It swept across and flew away, directly cutting off a section of the rooftop to stop the blade!



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