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第13章 后记234.4.42.

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Bach's body was broken and nearly dead. He opened his mouth and used his last strength to say the last two words. "."

"I don't know where I am, I don't see any danger, there are so many soldiers around me!

Now in this age of gaming, the Empire remains invincible despite rules that limit the power of non-players. “So at this moment, Thuong Quan Wu Dich’s voice rang in Hoak Diep’s mind.

At the end of the Tang Dynasty, she was holding a baby gently in her arms. The baby was about two years old. He was wearing thick clothes and his arms and legs were wrapped in a protective shell made of animal skin. He was absolutely screaming. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………

Then Wu Shaowu raised his head, looked at his dark and cold face and said.

"I'll give you everything you want instead of telling me what you want, like..."

Like a joke.

Is it because Ky Thua Mong can't find the difference between these people and others?

The technology of holographic projection is so advanced that Xiao Ma sat so close but didn't realize that the screen was being projected.

For most people, this will definitely determine the state of the world in the future, throwing us directly into the virtual world. I'm afraid it will take a long time to distinguish the real world from the real world. Isn't it? That?

"What outsiders say about us is none of their business. We want to live fortably here. The Guangdong authorities are not stupid either. They can't defeat us and hurt other people's feelings. That's it." Unreasonable.

Du Fei injected this essence liquid into his parents, which had the effect of strengthening the body. Exercise can gradually develop the body, but there is no basic strength response in the body.



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