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第21章 后记38.32.31

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Yang Qinglu faced his confidante, said straight to the point with a straight face: "I blocked the second brother's promotion I decided this afternoon If something like this happens, get out as soon as possible"

Are today's young people so good?

It seems that drinking is not a good thing!

"Wrong! The journey afterwards went smoothly They followed the original route and arrived at the New Delhi Colony But to be honest, their impression of this place was not very good"


The group of people hurried forward, not daring to escape for fear of being discovered by Bachfang, who watched the dogs retreat with them

Not only his room, every room in the villa, even the door, seemed to be in good condition, and there were no antitheft measures around to avoid worrying about someone "stealing things"

But there was a lot of noise around, and there was no sign of the enemy, because the enemy had never entered here

The first group of Pearl Bolan Stars saw the weak forces of Liu Mingyu and others

The monster is temporarily attacked and cannot fight back, but can only defend passively

"I'm still cooking and eating at least one thing, and I have to walk a lot at night

I didn't pay much attention to these Bolan people who came out After mastering the magic words to a certain extent, Liu Mingyu began to study the details of the magic numbers 1

But there was no movement at all "Ganripenggui is here to report, oh, we're here to take a look!" Tran Maker asked him

Wearing glasses, he walked among the crowd outside Nanzhou University, other passersby hunching over and smiling in front of him

Beads of sweat immediately appeared on Long Xuantang's face

Zhang Chongxin was immediately miserable and asked curiously: "Brother Wang, do you really want to give up such a great project as Zhengwei?



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