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第116章 32

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He entered the warehouse where the sheep were, and after getting rid of the two people guarding the warehouse, he entered and opened the sheep's cages one by one.

But even the newer products are good enough to beat similar products from other panies.

Regardless of whether it is irrelevant or not, being underprepared is certainly unnecessary and harmful. "

Wendi said: “Nose!

"The first thing I saw was the ring on his finger. His hand stretched out in front of me and held it tightly, unable to move. The light from the ring was soft and eternal." Liu Ruotong said helplessly. "


However, 2,500 kilometers below the planet is not very far.

Even if it was the first time, Wang Huairou didn't try.

He lived for several years in his last life, but there weren't that many strange things after that.

However, although Xingchen Group has not prospered everywhere and most cities have Xingchen Group, there are very few cities in China, and there are still many cities where Xingchen Group has settled.

If you don't want to say anything, there's no point.

Each Tower of Babel has its own statistics and characteristics. "

Although the soldiers still felt a little unfortable, they still followed Bai Feng's instructions and stopped five meters away.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that it was good to be a good person. "

"Who are you talking about?" Before the other party finished reporting, Dong Jianping couldn't help but said: "Let's report before we reach the top of the tower."

Now the leader and others met the surviving family members in Jinling Base City, and as expected, they all evolved one by one.

Once cared for, listened to, and converted, these women will join the ranks of these men. At first they will be reluctant, but over time they will want to survive.



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