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第116章 32

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Haha, it’s nice to have money.

But you only have a few months, so you’d better work hard on your own to avoid being used by criminals again. "

After all, the driver Xiao Wu is young and looks proud.

He has been unemployed for more than half a year and has no choice but to do odd jobs occasionally. "

- What happened there? What? "

Zhang Hao did not show surprise. "Liu Yuyi has nothing to plain about.

The sea of fire rose, as if Chong Hanyu would not give up until he died.

On the morning of the seventh day, the final feasibility study report had not yet appeared in Zhao Qingsong's mailbox.

For example, there are relatively rare gold mines underground, as well as some rare earth minerals and other mineral resources, and a small amount of reserves have been discovered under the planet.

Because without the intervention of Xingchen Group and the sudden arrival of the Ice Age, the world economy would have regressed for nearly two decades and finally ended its gradual recovery.

If the boss es and sees it with his own eyes, he will understand better. You're almost dead, why can't you leave? Therefore, if the awakened ones want to hunt monsters or mutant beasts, they must stay away from the main city, and the danger will increase exponentially.

It's not so much that it's too rare, but it's that the planet's size is too small.

However, the reality is exactly the opposite.

"Edsel Armstead has set a trap. There will be war. "He was drunk and sneaked up on you.

Needless to say, after looking at seven places for a while, I actually discovered something. "

"Yes, the specifications of the border wall are the same, seven or eight meters high, with barbed wire on top.

"Zorona's zombies have been eliminated long ago. Ordinary groups living in the munity bring women, children and the elderly to take a bath every day. The workload



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