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Like a forest fire, it spreads very quickly, burning everything it catches, and disappears quickly.

He looked into the distance, and the moon in the sky now showed a strange blue color, a strange and indescribable atmosphere.

The other two men were in their thirties and looked ordinary, named Li Jinghua and Li Jinde.

Without food and clothing, it will be difficult to survive this winter.

Collect their food and send it to the food industry, teach them the pros and cons of the food industry, whether they want to join or not.

no no!

After all, the last time he flew in the sky was unforgettable to him.

"Elder Huo Ye, I heard that you can escape destruction, is it true?"

“Okay, let me get you a beer.

Just when Ye Qingxuan was restless, Ye Qingxuan's body, which had been sitting quietly, made a loud noise. "

Yang Haoxuan raised his hand. It is easy to cut through the air, but if the target is a solid material such as steel, it will be difficult to penetrate.

But in any case, his position was almost pletely replaced by Qin An, and his fate was the same. “After the zombie virus came out, they immediately bined the two studies, and the zombies were able to better control them by changing their roles.

Once you e in, you can't leave for a day or a night.

His silver-green eyes lit up, and as he spoke, he walked towards where Onilson and others were.

Liu Yuyi immediately replied: "You are Zeng Danping!"

"Okay, let's get ready. It's best to leave in an hour.

He suddenly raised his eyes and looked at Zhong Hanyu, tears streaming from his eyes, and asked sadly:

“Are you going to argue with me?

Currently, Ruyan does not produce ammunition, which means it is a non-renewable resource.

No matter what Xiao Jin is, she is their favorite girl. Bai Feng said.



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