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第3章 利用技术手般操控利率使借款人陷入困境

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Deep within the pany, a group of corrupt employees had devised a plan to exploit the personal loan system. They had created a secret algorithm that manipulated the credit scores of loan applicants, ensuring that only those with a high likelihood of defaulting would be granted loans. This enabled them to impose exorbitant interest rates and trap unsuspecting borrowers in a vicious cycle of debt.

As the number of people falling into financial ruin grew, whispers of this fraudulent scheme began to circulate. It was then that the case caught the attention of Detective Sarah Anderson, a tenacious investigator known for her relentless pursuit of justice. Determined to expose TransFin's criminal activities, she embarked on a mission to gather evidence and bring the perpetrators to justice.

Sarah's first step was to disguise herself as a loan applicant and successfully apply for a loan through the TransFin app. In the process, she uncovered the hidden algorithm that manipulated credit scores and discovered the names of the corrupt employees involved. Armed with this vital information, she sought the assistance of her trusted partner, Detective Mike Roberts.

Together, Sarah and Mike delved deeper into the case, meticulously collecting evidence to build a solid argument against TransFin and its conspirators. They interviewed victims who had fallen victim to the predatory lending practices, carefully documenting their experiences and financial hardships. Each victim's story painted a clear picture of the pany's deceitful tactics.

As the investigation gained momentum, TransFin executives grew increasingly aware of the detectives' efforts. Wanting to protect their interests, the corrupt employees began to take desperate measures to obstruct the investigation. They hacked into Sarah's puter, attempting to destroy all the evidence she had painstakingly gathered.



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