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Rick stood up,“How dare you......“

Oscar cut in,“I am never afraid to speak out the truth. I live my own life and I accept whatever fate has to offer. How about you? Dodging?“也许儿子说得太刻薄了些,Mandy微笑着想。

Rick said,“You have totally misunderstood my situation. What you said was so untrue and unfair. You mustn't judge people, for you have no idea what they have gone through....... I am what I am.....nothing to do with my mother.“可怜的娃,你越是否认什么,就越是暗示了什么。

Oscar pondered,“So you hate your physical being so much because of your father....Did he just ignore you?“要死人了……这熊孩子!

Rick barked back,“You are a little devil. Are you aware of that?“她这个认知也许太浅了些。

Oscar answered,“At least I understand one thing—— if there seems to be a problem, I look at it, I look into it, I look through it and I fix it, instead of cheating on myself. Did you think things would work out automatically as long as you became someone else?“

Rick watched Oscar solemnly as if he were a grown-up,“I believe I am a spiritual woman imprisoned in a man's body. I ain't lying to anybody about my true feelings. You are totally wrong.“诡辩术挺难识别的,Mandy有些替儿子着急。

Oscar asked,“Does it matter much to you to make others believe you are a woman?“

Rick said,“Don't call me a woman! I told you there are more genders than just male and female. As far as you are concerned, of course it matters much that every one should be aware that some people are different and that all people have the right to be what they want to be.“这个话术力量似乎弱了点。

Oscar answered,“It was you that declares you are a woman locked in a man's body, And one minute later you warned me not to address you as a woman. How e......“也好,以其人之矛攻其人之盾。

Rick said quietly,“I say what I've got to say, but you are not allowed to define me.“

Oscar said,“Do you believe that all humans have their own right...... equally?“这应该是个陷阱……



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站内强推恶毒雌性,开局就送五个兽夫 为奴三年后,整个侯府跪求我原谅 仕途人生 全职法师 天渊 官道:从殡仪馆平步青云 校花学姐从无绯闻,直到我上大学 重生1958:发家致富从南锣鼓巷开始 度韶华 夫人她马甲又轰动全城了 1972,红旗招展的青春年代 异兽迷城 十里芳菲 重生80靠赶山狩猎实现财富自由 长生,从养鸡杂役开始 我在天牢,长生不死 敛财人生[综]. 舔狗反派只想苟,女主不按套路走! 重生大时代之王 金丹是恒星,你管这叫修仙? 
经典收藏凡人修仙传 仙逆 剑帝 修神外传 这个巫师他就不科学 战争领主:从厄运之地开始崛起 特工法师 超级吞噬系统 不是吧君子也防 哈兰德领主 混沌剑帝 御天武帝 全民领主:谁他妈把虫族放进来了?! 傲世九重天 漫威魔法事件簿 巫师从获得灵感面板开始 一个喷嚏毁灭一个魔法文明 祈愿之卷 次元具现 万界天尊 
最近更新开局混沌神体,打造最强不朽帝族! 天山仙魔录 十天一天赋,成为吸血鬼的我太BUG了 卡牌:异兽狂潮 全民转职:亡灵法师最弱?十万大军碾压神明 开局满级天赋,从普通法师开始 克苏鲁世界的第一法师 华夏先祖来助,女帝冠绝神州 何日晴天 生存游戏:开局你让我小船求生? 精灵之翼 我一个哥布林,能是啥好人? 行走在希望之路 遗种1 断绝关系后,我的召唤兽全是黑暗生物 一秒一个丧尸,合成天灾席卷世界 霍格沃茨:从电锯人来的支配恶魔 猎魔英雄 灵气复苏:这头熊居然吊打神明! 铸星笔记 
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