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Rick said,“Exactly, but except for little kids like you! And equal rights are definitely what I have been trying to convince you so far.“

Oscar said,“But you just violated my rights by forcing me to accept your declaration, which contradicts itself....... I surely have my privilege to disagree with you and name you as something that I think you are. I would be free to ment on anything that pokes into my eyes as queer or weird or disgusting or abnormal...... I say you are not a woman in a man's body. You are just being naughty, to mess everything up, enjoying yourself by looking at the chaos that you have created on purpose.... Are you trying to escape from a man's duty, and refuse to perform a woman's duty as well? Is that why you transfer all the time?“震惊。有人想鼓掌了。

Rick said,“You are being very mean to people like us.... I am not escaping from any man's or woman's duty, as if there were such things at all! I just have realized my dream of being not a man in the authentic world, which is disgusting.“

Oscar asked,“Why do you hate men so much? On behalf of the men-hating women? If they don't like male, why not just shut it, leave men alone and keep their pathetic feminism to themselves?“给人扣上她无法反驳的帽子,贴上她不想要的标签……这个奥斯卡很坏。

Rick said,“Do you actually understand what a woman is? You are barely ten years old..... Actually there are at least one hundred genders other than just male and female.......“这个女人弱爆了。

Oscar said,“I don't care how you name your identities, if you amuse yourself in that way. I was just saying—— Stop lying to yourself and stop making believe! Stop ruining the society by labeling everything politically right or wrong! Stop calling ordinary people names, like racist, or homophobic. Stop referring to yourself as a god or goddess, as if you had contributed to human evolution something worthy!“

Rick stormed out of the camera.

Oscar went back to his mobile game.








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站内强推恶毒雌性,开局就送五个兽夫 为奴三年后,整个侯府跪求我原谅 仕途人生 天灾第十年跟我去种田 官道:从殡仪馆平步青云 系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 重生:1977 校花学姐从无绯闻,直到我上大学 豪门枭士 重生官场:从京都下基层权利巅峰 青云官路:从小职员到封疆大吏 1972,红旗招展的青春年代 重生后,我成了奸臣黑月光 我在修仙界大器晚成 重生80靠赶山狩猎实现财富自由 魔道祖师 敛财人生[综]. 逼我重生是吧 舔狗反派只想苟,女主不按套路走! 全球冰封:我打造了末日安全屋 
经典收藏凡人修仙传 仙逆 剑帝 九转修罗诀 战争领主:从厄运之地开始崛起 武逆九千界 霍格沃兹召唤图鉴 特工法师 阴影之外 全民海战:我死灵法师,打造天灾舰队 哈兰德领主 混沌剑帝 异世之万界召唤系统 全民领主:谁他妈把虫族放进来了?! 傲世九重天 漫威魔法事件簿 一个喷嚏毁灭一个魔法文明 祈愿之卷 诸天从流月城开始 家丁修仙 
最近更新开局混沌神体,打造最强不朽帝族! 天山仙魔录 十天一天赋,成为吸血鬼的我太BUG了 卡牌:异兽狂潮 全民转职:亡灵法师最弱?十万大军碾压神明 开局满级天赋,从普通法师开始 克苏鲁世界的第一法师 华夏先祖来助,女帝冠绝神州 何日晴天 生存游戏:开局你让我小船求生? 行走在希望之路 美综世界从降伏杰森开始 开局一粒种 一击回血十万滴,这个召唤师太强了 吞噬万物:从蝼蚁进化成无敌巨兽 国运游戏:让你升级安全区,你建生态领地 无序使徒 镇世魔帝 攻略地下城,我能解锁全职业 不凡旅程 
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