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第26章 尤哥特

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The moment the two approached the cave, a long, unknown object resembling a dark green line suddenly moved, stretching out its arms and enveloping them.

Li Nuowei stared at Xin Junmao who was running in front of her. He wanted to know how the other person could handle such a situation.

However, Xin Junmao just continued to lead the way without making a single move, and seemed to have no intention of resisting at all.

Just when Li Nuowei was disappointed, Xin Junmao's back suddenly swelled up like an enlarged paw. The meat wall of the meatball burst open, spewing out a fragrant suspension, and an infinitely extending arm sprouted from within the meat. He reached out from the ball, grabbed the dark green "line," and tore it apart. Then the head of the arm turned back into a large mouth and swallowed all the torn "lines".

As Li Nuowei watched in amazement at the strange sight, he saw the body of a faceless woman with a beautiful face sprouting from the paw pads. He wanted to create great sadness, so his long face gradually revealed a mouth and torn skin.

111 real world

Seeing how Xin Junmao’s body suddenly transformed, Li Nuowei’s eyes were a little different, but she wasn’t too surprised.

I realized that this child was no longer a normal person. How could a normal person like me show up here and be so knowledgeable about everything here?

Suddenly, large bundles of darker green thread were blown in all directions. They shined a light and tried to pull everything out of the depths of despair.

Xin Junmao immediately stopped. He might want to coldly say, "You're first," but he didn't expect that Li Nuwei would relentlessly run ahead of him and break through the curtain of black light inside the tunnel. Suddenly, a figure disappeared.

“Haha, interesting new friend.” Xin Junmao smiled and was not angry. He looked back at the faceless female body emerging from his back and watched as the female monster swelled and split before his eyes. "Hurry up and eat. Let's think of it as dinner tonight."



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