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大家在看全职法师 我的弟子全是大帝之资 豪门枭士 太荒吞天诀 大主宰 开局长生不死,谁都以为我无敌 强化子嗣,我的后代都是仙界大佬 逆天悟性:从开创观想法开始长生 玄幻:开局九个仙女师傅 斗罗大陆之史莱克七怪的成神之路 
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第26章 尤哥特

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"We are here." Xin Junmao pointed to the entrance and exit of the expressway station where his flesh and blood were connected. At the back of the entrance was an irregular semi-circular space resembling a tunnel, but the inside of the tunnel was dark and the end could not be seen at first glance.

Around this gap was a dark green line that had been torn out of the ground. The source was unknown.

Looking into the dark tunnel, Li Nuowei's heart pounded. He suddenly didn't know if he should go inside, much less what would happen if he did.

At the same time, after seeing those dark green lines in the distance, Li Nuwei thought that the presence of the sea monster under the air raid shelter in Liuhua Port was due to the soul-eating mud and these dark green irregular lines. I became more and more convinced that they were the same. . .

Li Nuwei already fully understands how scary this is. Now, asking you to rush into a "tunnel" supported and protected by dark green lines would be the same as asking you to go deep into a dragon's pond or a tiger's den.

Then he could also cut himself.

Li Nuowei looked left and right, trying to find props that would make her death more normal.

"Don't be afraid, run with me." Xin Junmao noticed that Li Nuowei was embarrassed, patted him on the back and forted him, "The worst is to die once."

Li Nuwei quietly looked at the other person and felt that this person's brain was actually no different from his own, and that he was probably a little sick.

Seeing that the other party was so trusting, Li Nuwei decided to trust the other party for once. Anyway, even if you die, you can still e back. If the other person hurts you, you may kill the other person after returning.

``Follow closely.'' Xin Junmao observed the area around the tunnel for a while, and after confirming that nothing was wrong, he quickly whispered, ``Run,'' and led Li Nuowei into the cave.



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