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第32章 尼克斯泰拉

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Chen Xiaolin was speechless, silently took out two hundred yuan in cash from her pocket, pushed it in front of Linlin, and asked carefully, "Two hundred yuan then?"

Ling Ling picked up the bill and looked at it carefully in the light, as if checking it. Then he smiled and said to Chen Xiaolin: "Well, it's just right."

"Thank you again for the gift. I will not disturb you then, Your Majesty." Li Duanen bowed with a grateful expression and dragged Chen Xiaolin, who had a confused look on his face, out of the store.

Hearing Li Duojing’s Linlin’s name, Chen Xiaolin’s expression suddenly changed. He suddenly remembered the story about the ``King of Mercy'' that Li Duanen had told him in the car.

158: The Truth of Zheng Yu's Madness (Two in One)

Before Chen Xiaolin could think carefully about whether he was worthy of being boss Lin just now, he was already taken out of the store by Li Duojing, and his consciousness returned to reality.

The actual situation was still very bad. His body was still floating uncontrollably in the turbulence. It was difficult to open my eyes. Due to lack of oxygen, his brain became dazed and thinking became more difficult. But he felt it clearly. Yes, he had a soft straw in his hand.

Whatever it was, was it really as magical as Boss Lin said? They have a strong desire to survive and cannot think much. He just wanted to do his best to surprise everyone.

Only those in his situation can understand that someone in a truly hopeless situation would not care about right or wrong. They will do anything as long as they can survive.

If there is something in your heart, there is always an answer.

When Chen Xiaolin woke up again, he was lying in a hospital bed in the Magic City Second Hospital. The sun was shining outside the window, and its rays hit the skin of his groin and arms, dispelling the coldness that the nightmare had brought him from the outside in.



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