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大家在看我的修炼时间和人不一样 大主宰 天渊 惊天剑帝 九转涅盘诀 修仙:从在炼器铺当厨子开始 星辰王 逆天悟性:从开创观想法开始长生 灵墟,剑棺,瞎剑客 转生神树,我打造阴兵家族 
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第55章 恩卡图尔

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There was strength in numbers, and the neighbors were ruthless, and the men used water pipes, baseball bats, and melon knives to steal them hard. A knife certainly didn't have the courage to hit an animal, but with a knife. Behind the knife, he and the water pipe wait for the animal for a while, quickly subdue the suspect in the hallway, then push the person down into a small open yard and keep watch until law enforcement officers arrive.

Hwang Jeong-do was shocked to hear that this bloody incident had actually happened. He was secretly horrified when he saw two stretchers covered in white cloth descend from the second floor and pass through the hallway of his rented floor.

After experiencing such an event, Huang Zheng-do could no longer sleep when he returned home. His mind had been deeply stimulated by the murders in his apartment, and he was in a state of physiological "hyperactivity."

Thus, Huang Zheng-do went to work the next day with a fairy-like expression on his face. a>vas>div>Scan the QR code to download Red Sleeves and Xiaoxiang and get a special offer for new users. Free for a limited time div>div>div>

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Looking at Huang Zheng Dao's fairy-like face, it is Huang Zheng Dao, no matter how evil the leader is, he can't close his eyes now. He directly told Huang Zheng-dao that he could take tomorrow's Friday off as long as the work was delivered properly.

Huang Zhengdao plained in his heart, but on his face he could only pretend to be moved and express his gratitude. Then he turned around and handed over all the work to a new colleague.

Huang Zhengdao looked at his new colleague almost blankly, smiled kindly, patted him on the shoulder, and said, ``Last time, the leader praised you for being a quick learner and being able to stand on your own. .You also accepted it very humbly...I...''



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最近更新小青,嫁给我吧,法海被我揍哭了 叶无尘 身穿成乞丐,清冷圣女喊我夫君 苟成古神,天帝请我打圣人 真仙不凡 凡人老六 创神纪第一部:应龙传 写给文明 七罪:从蜕变人魔之体开始 仙帝沉眠 天帝归来之时,三界震颤之日 封神从我元始大义灭亲开始 亦凡亦仙 仙侣异界游 饥饿之生存游戏 遮天大帝在封神 神魔之暗器为王 梦回三海经 巅峰妖孽神医 卖肉的被迫变成新一任盘古 
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