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第64章 艾尔德里奇的崛起

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─ He probably bought a car at a nearby gas station, looked for a place to park, and said:

Of course you're all here.

Nothing wrong here, what?

The demon Aria asked.

In the beginning, 20% of its body became an animal, but now more than 60% has bee a pure animal.

His silver eyes seemed to see a world that no one else could see.

At this point he is a demon, a beast that faces the universe, destroying everything in sight and beyond human reason.

Even looking at that body as a person is disgusting.

However, to his surprise, John did not feel the expected tension, but a strange realization.

It's like you have an animal-like body.

John knew that, but it was impossible, absolutely impossible.

Unfortunately, he defeats Aria's demon students, but holds back for a while. Because he is not the bearer of the Book of Azathoth, but the real demon, the real Arya Bit, infected with the evil colors of God in another form, and he is the real owner of this body.

As a spirit, he has more will power than any other human, and this makes his heart like iron, meaning that it cannot be melted even if burned by fire.

So he asked again.

So what are you here for? my brother?

I came to get you, that's what I thought.


Yes, I have the same thought.

John said with a smile.

But it looks like I have a request from you to be together.

right? what did you say

Aria asked. The terrible stiffness in his body stopped, as if it had no effect. However, the demon's magic power seems dangerous, and its powerful magic power has bee a force against humanity. Looking directly could lead to eternal insanity, and it allowed John to talk to the demon rather than part with the enraged diver.

At the same time, half of his face seemed to move, and he said:

I have said a lot, listen, don't be careless, must the dead rest in peace? Don't you want to live again? Please don't laugh.



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