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第81章 探险开始

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His body seemed to flow through the door like water, as if the door in front of him never existed.

Space has no limits, and even the power of matter cannot stop Aria's actions.

His body seemed to have no mass when he passed through the gate.

Aria looked at the corpse on the ground.

There is no blood or traces of blood on the body.

But it's not funny and looks dead.

The corpses were dressed in clothes similar to those used centuries ago.

Their heads were cut off, and the heads of others were not visible.

It's not alive, but it's not dead either.

Their bodies do not last forever because their souls are sealed in their bodies.

A body that has lost its soul will rot and lose its appearance.

However, their souls are attached to their bodies, so no matter what they are, their bodies are indestructible.

However, this condition itself is not human, and this method of maintaining an immortal soul instead of a corpse seems absurd.

But Aria knew that the owner here could do such a thing.

Perhaps it was difficult to satisfy the parties, so he returned to the corpse, which could not be separated from them.

Arya didn't need such an eternity, and she was eternal.

The center of Eden?

Aria took a closer look at the corpse's clothing and immediately realized that it was real.

But that was two hundred years ago.

The feeling is so magical.

That's not a bad idea. Magic that raises the dead eternally on earth is an important consideration regarding resurrection.

I call this spell Immortality of the Dead, but it can only be cast while the dead are alive, and the target will be a corpse.

A voice explained from the front. Aria looked ahead.

On the other hand, he will look for me, he is beautiful.

Her golden hair reached her waist and her snow white skin made her look like a snow doll.



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