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大家在看厄难天书 乱世书 强化子嗣,我的后代都是仙界大佬 星辰王 反派:气运之子太多,我摆烂了 逆天悟性:从开创观想法开始长生 厨神,妖兽:不好,我们成食材了 混沌天帝诀 玄幻:北凉世子,签到亿万神魔 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 
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第84章 深红地穴

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Lei Zhelin did not want to face this feeling, and felt that the golden Trojan horse was hiding something with intelligent words, but if asked directly, he might not be able to say anything.

Lei Zhelin didn't know what problems the other party was hiding, and didn't even want to ask pointed questions.

How bad is it if he doesn't know what's best here?

Meanwhile, Li Jerin coldly looked at Bana, as if to show Nancy that she would not be a fool like him.

However, before Yi Lei saw Zhenlin, he immediately saw a sight he had never seen before.

Finally, An ii turned her attention to Bana.

If you know, tell me, are you afraid of me and can't say anything in front of me?

There was a little disfort in his voice, and he realized that Bana knew something from the other person's words, but he did not speak, opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

He even showed me his breathing.

Angel surprised Nancy and she never saw Nancy, she thought that Bana was afraid of her and she was not happy.

This was said as Angel turned and slowly looked at Nancy.

Of course, it is not dangerous.

In other words, what scares people is Angel himself.

He couldn't stop the idea, but he didn't notice that Nancy's demeanor changed and her expression suddenly darkened.

However, this aura and fearful expression distracted from An Qi, making An Qi unable to sense the other's fear.

Angel is an adult, so he can't feel what's going on behind the scenes, but if he can hear it clearly, he won't be afraid of Nancy.

That is because he himself has no malice.

He didn't know if he should smile or not, because they put an evil spell on him.

Then, Lei Zhelin immediately felt Annie's pleading eyes, Lei Zhelin couldn't believe that he didn't know this at all.

In fact, he saw in Lei Jielin's eyes that he was confused by his words at a glance.



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