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大家在看大主宰 女侠且慢 天渊 人在截教写日记,通天被玩坏了 大帝之下我帝境,大帝之上我开挂 天人图谱 万相之王 逆天悟性:从开创观想法开始长生 悟性逆天,我在诸天薅羊毛 稳健修仙:我的增益效果随机翻倍 
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第98章 共同创造中的逃逸

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He cannot believe that Alice was born for the purpose of others and does not believe in sadness.

He did not believe that his tragedy was caused by this mysterious cause, and died here without explanation.

How can I accept and endure such a thing?

Alice continued to beat him, but knew that his blows were useless, even with his weapon-like body and his great divine power, the opponent was invincible.

It's just an air, not something separate from what love does.

Although Tavel's body was cut and killed, it did not affect Tavel's existence.

The devil seen here also had a human heart before he became a god.

Alice Tavel has forgotten her true identity and has no memory of them, but she still knows the true identity of the demon.

Why do I have to fight my sister?

While thinking about this, Alice looked at Tavel with eyes full of hatred, or rather, eyes closed with love.

"Of course I don't know."

Love said.

"Of course, that's very interesting. It's obvious when the wicked use the sword against God. Isn't that something we should be proud of?" "

"Don't blame God for all your mistakes. Don't always think that the world is to blame and not you. Even though the world may be wrong, to me you are wrong." !"

Alice shivered.

But love has not yet understood that it has seven emotions and six desires, so if it es and gets angry because of that, how will it be treated by others?

It is the image of evil, evil life, and the power of Satan.

"What can I do?"

``No, I don't care what you do to me. If you are willing to raise a sword before Allah and kill him, even if it is in vain, I will do it.'' That is the price you will pay. "

Love then tried to calm the other man down, explaining his situation directly.

He sacrifices himself to summon the evil god's soul, not caring how Alice treats him even though he is dead.



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