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第98章 共同创造中的逃逸

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If we use our first hope to break the spirit of our flesh, we have hope to fight.

However, success or failure had no effect on the ancient immortal "god" named Taweel of Umr who sat on Su Xia's throne.

He wants to use his life to spread his message, and he doesn't mind pushing everyone to do so, even if they don't realize it.

However, Love's power to kill Tavel did not last long.

Although he was cut off as a demon rather than an evil spirit, Tabel's power surpassed both of them.

God's power attacked the chain, and before they knew it, the chain was filled with cracks that could break at any time.

The feeling of love slowly dissolves and permeates the other person through the power of God.

"Are you done with small talk?"

Tavel bowed his head, extended his left hand, and stretched out five fingers, and immediately countless magical powers appeared.

In the next moment, countless animals fell from the void, as if they had passed through the sky.

Su Xia's careless god can feel the love.

Okami came with great pressure, and the place where Alice was standing twisted and collapsed, and was also hit by a strong wind.

"Oh, what is born on earth?"

"Let's finish this happy song."

Tavel's eyes were very cold staring at him with icy eyes.

Then, the tyrants, crazy animals and beasts each with the power of a god, started a riot.

<Each <God Slayer> has the same power as a divine beast, and has the same physical fighting power as an evil god.

In other words, any <God of Destruction> is a demon with 100% damage.

There are countless numbers of such powerful beasts, and everywhere you look is filled with these beasts.

Alice swallowed and crossed her arms.

In the strong impact, Alice's hands were cut off and her whole body fell into the sea.

He is a God who does not leave His eyes as big as the stars in the sky.



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