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大家在看从水猴子开始成神 剑道第一仙 绝世道君 大帝之下我帝境,大帝之上我开挂 神道帝尊 蛮荒补天人 蛇仙:开局吞噬仙帝 穿越后系统给双修功法什么意思? 大荒经 纯阳神体:仙魔双修 
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After shooting the deceased, soldiers sent by the military quickly arrived at the scene.

These two soldiers, armed with live ammunition, temporarily captured the soldiers and directly threatened more than ten young men with guns to dispose of their bodies.

The young men bravely carried the bodies out of the temporary settlement, and then everything returned to calm.

Seeing all of this, Wang Qiang's heart darkened. It turned out that life could be so worthless.

At this moment, Xiao Zhong finished organizing his weapons and looked at his watch again. He reluctantly said, "It's only 2:30 in the morning, and there are at least four more hours before dawn. How can we endure it

At this moment, there was a huge noise ing from not far above. Everyone turned around and saw that the army fortress was moving like a living creature!

Countless reinforced glass windows of the legion fortress in the dark burst open, then stretched and folded. From the open window, gun barrels emitting metallic luster stretched out one by one. Immediately after, a dazzling light burst out from the 84 steel towers, illuminating the surrounding neighborhoods.

The sound of giant gears moving echoed through the night sky, filled with the roar of heavy artillery, appearing somewhat harsh.

Ah, no good, the army fortress has started! "Xiao Zhong exclaimed.

Wang Qiang puzzled, "Why is it not good to start the army fortress

This means that the frontline troops are unable to resist and have to launch the army fortress. This is a big weapon in Shuimen City, "explained Wang Erye.

I really can't believe that all four lines of defense can't resist the invasion of zombies. How long has it been? This battle is so evil! "Xiao Chong scratched his black hair and said.

At this moment, a passing refugee stopped and retorted, "This battle is not called evil, it's called back time! You escaped from the east, don't you know what happened to the west



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站内强推恶毒雌性,开局就送五个兽夫 谁让他修仙的! 大明暴君,我为大明续运三百年 权欲:从乡镇到省委大院 官道:从殡仪馆平步青云 重生:1977 红楼之挽天倾 重生八零:离婚后被军少宠上天 官场:救了女领导后,我一路飞升 重生96:权力之巅 校花学姐从无绯闻,直到我上大学 重生1958:发家致富从南锣鼓巷开始 快穿之妾室妖娆,生存掠夺守则 半路抢的夫君他不对劲 权力巅峰:从基层公务员开始 小京官之女养家日常 四合院:垂钓诸天万物 咸鱼美妾超好孕,糙汉将军日日宠 帝霸 我在精神病院学斩神 
经典收藏全职法师 系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 万倍返还,我收徒百无禁忌 人在截教写日记,通天被玩坏了 天渊 宿命之环 厨神,妖兽:不好,我们成食材了 高武:六扇门武神,镇压天下 开局万倍地图,苟到天荒地老 一天升一级,你想退婚就退呗 女儿大闹修仙界,我仙帝身份曝光 万古神帝 开局封王,从建立镇诡司开始 神秘空间:顶级悟性加持 绝世唐门 开局落魄藩王,打造万界无上仙庭 从旁门小修到元神道君 领主:我有技能天赋树 趋吉避凶,从天师府开始 大主宰 
最近更新家族秘宝引仙途 人在修仙界,系统要我娶妻纳妾 开局断绝关系,我成万道魔尊 无敌的随性日常 登神 长生:从种田小游戏开始! 小甜蜜 太古玄幻神王 洪荒:我以帝法证道不朽 幻世斩魔录 我,阴阳判官?本官断案死刑起步 永生小师叔 麟界签到:逆天成神之路 悖论纪元:我篡改物理法则成圣 睡觉?吾梦中好杀仙 康斯坦丁,请叫我癌症克星 星变:末日降临 玄幻:师尊别闹,我真累了 重生之后别人叫我加钱仙尊 天天造反,你们搁这儿打卡呢? 
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