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大家在看大主宰 镇守仙秦:地牢吞妖六十年 星辰王 被关十万年,我疯了,也无敌了 系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 反派:气运之子太多,我摆烂了 女儿大闹修仙界,我仙帝身份曝光 哥布林从剑之圣女开始 老祖别苟了,宇宙要没了 开局九亿真气值,我拽点怎么了? 
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After seven shots were fired, Wang Qiang put down his rifle and rubbed the butt of the gun, handing it to Sun Zaichen.

This thing has good performance, a faster shooting speed would be even better, "Wang Qiang mented.

Sun Zaichen did not take the rifle, nor did he look at Wang Qiang, his piercing gaze fixed on the zombie tightly.

In fact, not only Sun Zaichen was alone, but everyone on the rooftop was shocked.

Everyone stopped their movements, their gaze fixed on the zombies, as if invincible zombies had fallen to the ground with blood streaming down their faces.

No one believes in what is in front of them, but they have to accept it as a fact.

How did you do it? "Sun Zaichen could no longer care about his own image and hugged Wang Qiang, asking in shock.

This type of zombie is simply deformed, with a body as hard as a rock, but its head is as fragile as tofu, and it can explode with a single shot. In the future, when encountering this kind of thing, just put bricks on your head and ensure that one brick will fall down. "Wang Qiang talked confidently, spreading his personal experience of beating zombies, and the fat old man's eyebrows trembled and trembled.

What's your name, little brother? Are you interested in following me? "Sun Zaichen asked.

Realizing that this is a talent, Sun Zaichen is not willing to give up.

Lao Sun, what are you doing? This person is my deputy, and you have to make some sense when digging people, right

At this moment, Nian Kuang rushed over and immediately refuted Sun Zaichen.

Old age, you miscalculated this time. The little brother admitted to himself that he was not your deputy. Your deceitful tricks are outdated. "Sun Zaichen chuckled, and the folds on the chubby old man's face were as bright as chrysanthemums.

Humph, even if Wang Qiang is not my deputy, he is also my younger generation, and we have a strong connection! "Nian Kuang said to Sun Zaichen without hesitation.



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