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大家在看大主宰 强化子嗣,我的后代都是仙界大佬 万相之王 渊天尊 杀戮系统,绝世杀神 厨神,妖兽:不好,我们成食材了 混沌天帝诀 谁让你能力这么用的? 噬神塔 全西游都慌了,我的徒弟都成圣了 
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Wang Qiang suddenly found it difficult to municate with fools at first sight, so he said, "Alright, I really admire you. Let's go now

At this moment, a shout came from afar: "Qiang Wazi, Qiang Ge

Wang Qiang was delighted at the sound and quickly looked over. Indeed, it was Wang Erye and Xiao Chong who had arrived.

Ah! Mr. Wang, Brother Xiao, why are you here? "Wang Qiang said happily.

Wang Erye was still dressed in a martial arts uniform, holding a broad back long sword in his hand, and said leisurely, "It's not like Qiu Yuanyuan, that little girl. I'm here to help you. I heard you made a military order with Nian Shuai. Didn't I e here with Xiao Baba

Wang Qiang slapped his forehead, it's really a good thing not to go out and bad things spread far and wide.

Come on, Mr. Wang, have you found your nephew yet? Let's hurry back. This trip won't be easy, and we may die. Also, Brother Xiao, fighting is not just for fun. You can go back, I'll take care of your relationship, "Wang Qiang advised.

Xiao Chong took out his AK rifle from his bat backpack and said decisively, "Don't persuade me, Brother Qiang. I will follow you to this battle. Old Xiao said he will follow you after the fight. If you want me to go back, you will look down on me

My nephew has also found him. He actually wanted to go to the front line and was beaten up by me before settling down. Can he go to the front line? If he wants to go, I have to go first. Are you right? Let's go now! "Wang Erye was arrogant.

By the way, Li Bai heard that we were going to the battlefield, so he went to have diarrhea. I waited for half an hour but didn't see him back. He probably drowned in the restroom, "Xiao Zhong added.

It's okay, he's just a soy sauce maker, don't worry. "Wang Qiang didn't think so.

Upon hearing the conversation between the three of them, Yu Kuan immediately felt a sense of relief and said, "The two brave soldiers are righteous and I have thanked you here



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最近更新模拟:我人族圣体,竟是妖魔血食 火影异界:我宇智波真不是吸血鬼 神荒遗卷 挖我至尊骨?我直接成黑暗至尊! 宇宙时空塔 九天疯魔 我怎么会是反派? 都判凌迟了,还叫我忠君体国? 逆天踏仙路 灵气复苏之野外求生 神域,苍之圣洁 灭世苍穹之傲天狂尊 天崩开局:从捕妖人到人族大帝 沉寂十八年,我一剑斩落皇朝老祖 长生之死亡就会变强 开局成野神?我靠香火证道真神! 穹宇之旅 天神传说 真身是精灵公主,本少爷很慌 开局自带葫芦,从杀生开始长生 
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