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大家在看女侠且慢 天人图谱 乱世书 九转涅盘诀 重生商纣,开局怒怼圣人女娲 悟性逆天,我在诸天薅羊毛 被关十万年,我疯了,也无敌了 大荒经 开局沉睡十万年,苏醒后直接无敌 稳健修仙:我的增益效果随机翻倍 
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The streets were surprisingly quiet, with only dim street lights flickering and flickering.

Five seconds later, the leader of the special operations team broke out pletely. He jumped up from the ground, pointed at Wang Qiang's nose and scolded, "Are you his mother kidding me?"

The team leader is an outstanding senior soldier, one in a thousand talents, who has gone through countless hardships to enter the Security Department of the General Military Region. The leader is ready to be dispatched, and even if the troops are delegated, they can still bee battalion and regiment level cadres.

This task belongs to a temporary general, and the team leader was accidentally touched, feeling very dissatisfied. At this moment, he felt teased and even more angry.

Wang Qiang did not manage the team leader, but took out a magnetic storm hand radium from a soldier's backpack in front of him, activated the detonator, threw it into the darkness in the distance, and then stared at the street, suddenly shouting, "Shoot

No matter what Yu Kuan did, he directly picked up his machine gun and started shooting.

Although the soldiers were unsure, they followed orders and began to shoot wildly.

Almost at the moment when the gunfire rang out, hundreds or even thousands of zombies were killed across the street, with a tremendous force that almost filled the street with human ghosts.

But the lives of these zombies are not very good. Just as they appeared, they were exposed to the merciless impact of bullets.

Fifty sprayers were fired in a fan-shaped manner, timed well to instantly suppress the zombie swarm under the firepower network.

Soldiers have never encountered such a bat style before, which is simply effortless and capricious, fighting as they please.

The poor guys in the zombie group were beaten to pieces by bullets, their organs splattered, and the snow covered the ground was stained with black and red plasma and blood foam.



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