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第102章 42

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The land on the other side of the new world was originally white, and it was even white before the explosion.

In this way, you don't have to worry about zombie corpses rotting, nor do you have time to find zombie corpses because of difficult battle conditions. Thanks also to Mr. Bai for his help. Basically, on behalf of everyone, thank you sir.

But what is certain is that the energy of thunder and lightning has been greatly consumed again. "

The classmate licked his lips and seemed to be still enjoying the delicious food.

Yang Ke said excitedly: "Boss, you are lucky this time." Zhao Ziliang said calmly.

The lightning rod's energy has been exhausted. Please check back soon to check the status. Yes, yes, but why aren't there two walls in the narrow passage?

Sun Zhengkang guessed that it might be related to the power of the monster.

Of course, the hands behind the eyes cannot be broken with brute force.

Although Lan Yue didn't look at Qin An, she felt Qin An looking at her from the corner of her eyes, so she frowned and said, "Why are you looking at me?

"Wait a minute, it will take some time for the seventh and eighth batches of sea zombies to arrive.

If that were the case, the result would certainly not be like this.

How could anyone fly there in a spaceship with such caution?

Sun Zhengkang immediately asked: "What's going on?

This may take longer than finding softer material.

Principal Wang is much weaker than Liao Fengnan. You can find this purple color in every living thing you see!

Although I initiated the construction of the space portal, the reality is that the people who don’t know the control of the space portal are the people behind you. I will e to your pany and we will discuss it in detail together.

"Good boy, little Pudding. Grandparents must feed the pigs, sheep, rabbits, and cows at home, otherwise they will starve. It doesn't matter if you take more pictures and send them to us."



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