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第116章 32

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Batian was depressed by Guo Xiaomei's words, but his heartbeat accelerated a little. Is Guo Xiaomei still a virgin?

Without the information left by the Bolan people, Wang Huairou knew how to use the key. "

Weng Die said: "Li Ying Li Ying!

Fang Yuheng saw Bai Feng also leaving the granary and told the driver to keep going and not waste time.

Although Wang Huairu pleted many daily tasks and challenges during this period, the talent cards he received were very rare.

People from other groups would be lying if they said they were not jealous when they saw the treatment of Xingchen Group. "

At the same time, important information about the cooperation on social media platforms such as Xingchen Assistant also appeared on the official accounts of Qin Province and Xingchen Group.

When Bai Feng passed by Di Jie, he shouted to Di Jie: "When the road is clear, you can leave." Let's move forward at the speed of light. "hurry up!

According to Liu Mingyu's report, even if the people of Bolan Star have not reached the seventh level of civilization, they still need a cornerstone.

In this case, more information will be obtained.

After hearing Governor Wang's words, the long-awaited regiment mander appeared. Fang Yuhen shouted: "Don't waste your time. If someone wastes your time, please don't accuse me of being rude. I just looked at things like tires without really checking."

It took about two minutes.

Hearing the movement, he raised his head and glanced at Zhong Hanyu who was sitting, but said nothing.

Xingchen Group's holographic projectors have not yet developed very maturely, and almost all environments are not accustomed to using holographic projectors. "

There's no time to be a coward, but you should be a bigger coward.

More than a hundred years have passed, and only more than 1,500 Chinese characters have been deciphered.



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