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第116章 32

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"Strictly speaking, Edsel Armstead is not even a member of my band. He joined our team temporarily." Zhang Hao picked up the documents and recalled casually: "The stack on the left has already been signed. .I'll check the correct one tomorrow." Don't get it mixed up.

According to Director Wang's speculation, it is unlikely that the source of the lightning energy is not the tower pillar behind him.

Coincidentally, Xingchen Group has also bee a large international enterprise group.

Liu Mingyu quickly read the feasibility study report written by Zhao Qingsong.

Even if there were no obstacles, Sun Zhengkang would not dare to ignore it.

But this is not necessary.

Now we need to invite Xiaojia to vote on this cooperation intention. But those who had the power of life and death over them honestly quickly got on board.

Unexpectedly, Xingchen Group actually offered to cooperate. It is unclear what the Freemasons want from such a large population. "


When Lin Zheng took Du Fei back to Guangzhou, he only had one hand left, but now he had a new hand attached, which was obviously not the original one. "

Qin An shook his head and said: "We are hidden in this huge protective wall. It shouldn't be a problem for us, right? Let's look at the reality of Freemasonry, but it is impossible to carry these strategists of Freemasonry." Upgrading the regional level to level 4 bees a burden. "

"Hahaha idiot, judging from your current form, if you evolve again, you should be in human form.

Liu Mingyu has not received any news recently, but the assistant Dong Jianping assigned to Liu Mingyu also has no preliminary search results.

"Yes, it is possible. Xingchen Group's technical level in other aspects is very low, but building a space elevator is a big project. The technology used is very plex and can break down in the blink of an eye.



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