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第116章 32

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The monsters in the new world were killed directly by automated machines before they could escape from these holes.

But blessings and misfortunes also plement each other and depend on the good and evil in the world. Even if you are on the right path and your dream experience makes you think it is real, you owe a lot to people, but the reality is that it is not.

He Jiajie said timidly: “Boss, there is no way to overe the problem of poor progress except for people without ordinary permission.

The devices have some mon symbols on their surfaces, similar to those found in the New World Descendants and Monster Generation 7 Gene series.

The whole personality has not reached the state of forgetting to eat and sleep. "Currently there is no limit to the number of marine creatures. Let me, a full-level zombie, fight with us.

Dong Jianping nodded and said, "Are you okay? You can send them over before we gather."

Because from the side, there are still no buildings visible below. "

Is 150,000 kilometers really a low altitude?

Ruan Langzhuang is too lazy now.

Moreover, Liu Mingyu pletely obeyed Zhao Qingsong. "

Liu Mingyu reminded from the side: "Director Wang, the actual density of the Xia Tong Tian Pillar is not very small.

Some women took advantage of the amnesty and hurried to the bald man to greet him and plete their mission. Some women were still crying and in agony, afraid to touch the zombie corpses.

Dong Jianping has not yet entered the white hole space portal and pleted the construction of the small base.

This ratio is about 50%.

If that were the case, it would be very difficult to survive on this earth.

There is space, so there is no need to create an account with space attributes.

The two countries support friendly cooperation. At 10 o'clock this morning, representatives of the two countries signed a cooperation agreement.



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