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第116章 32

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This is all wrong.

The lightning current did not disappear, as if there was a rope connecting the lightning rod to the foundation stone.

After a long time, Weng Die suddenly smiled, walked closer to Qin An, and said, "Qin An, let's play together!

I don't have anything I need help with, and I can't ask the team next to me for help.

Building a space elevator requires very little space.

Liu Minggu didn't know how many core stones there were on this planet.

From today's perspective, there is really no need to build a space elevator. After Liu Yuyi finished speaking, a stronger current flowed into Liu Xing's body. Liu Xin gritted his teeth in pain and persisted.

Therefore, the foundation still needs to be laid.

Eventually, the Tower of Babel and the area surrounding it were strengthened as a whole. "

"Mr. Yao, don't worry, guardrails on both sides of the highway are enough." Our country is not on the border, so we cannot adopt such high standards.

Thanks to this limited hunt, Liu Mingyu's points also increased rapidly.

"Mr. Zhang, ten tons is not enough. Can you add more?"

Qin An shook his head and said: "No!

No, his current name should be Bolansingwen.

Is the opportunity we finally found over? "

At this moment, Wen Jiangang looked at everyone's faces and felt a little confused. "

The best way to understand an unknown civilization is to understand what is written on its other side. Of course, it's a good job. "

Zhao Qinsong nodded.

The first thing to fix is repairing the connection to the bottom bracket base.

According to the classification of civilization levels, a true interstellar civilization must be able to shuttle between galaxies.

Just when Bai Feng was fully hoping that no more accidents would happen, an accident happened. Because he knew that the reason Su Zhenmei was still alive was because he killed several ordinary people trapped in this space and ate their flesh.



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