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t queen was very careful about taking care of these things at the beginning, but then she gradually stopped taking care of them because of this kind of thing. Really a lot.

It's a pity that it's useless to ask the Beast King. She is indeed a powerful pervert, but she is not good at healing. What's more, Luo was poisoned by three thousand weak water zombies.

The fact that Caitlin can turn zombies into humans is considered highly confidential. Only a few people in the Qin family know about it, and only Guo Sihai in the empire knows about it.

The eight people walked out of the task transfer center happily. Facing a natural disaster, everyone was able to e back intact. It was really something to be thankful for. "Yang Guang's voice was a little angry. Maybe the weak water-controlled zombies were also tired. Maybe she felt that the zombie siege couldn't deal with these strong men, and planned to think of other ways.

Luo Jiajia, who was in the lead, looked at the straw that had cracked the wall in front of her, with sparks squeaking on it, and she suddenly broke into a cold sweat, isn't it, president, so cruel? Because of the overwhelming strength of the Ancient Demon Queen, she can stand firm in the Savage Beast Continent. However, the Savage Beast Continent has too many species and is so vast that it is simply impossible to pletely rule them through one political power.

In terms of performance, it was still done perfectly. “Ho ho ho!

To the south of the Giant City, the Sky Dome, the Beast Queen's guards and maids were fighting. "

"What Hu Ke remends must be the best. Brothers and sisters, form a group to go sightseeing together.

No wonder Aiqin didn't dare to e in with her. It turned out that what she said was true. The city was really massacred, and the Pegasus orcs were really wiped out! "



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