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Village Chief Fan said in surprise.

Director Zhang subconsciously used these techniques when filming "The Wizarding World: The Witcher Begins".

At this time, she was sitting in the room playing chess with her adopted daughter who had just been adopted a few months ago. The junior who came to report was standing quietly waiting for her reply.

It does not have the function of stopping time and will not keep fresh, but it is enough for placing crystals.

Next, after a visit, everyone left Nantan Port.

Seeing his leader, Fifty-Five came in a hurry.

Queen Hu, the weakest among the seven, has also reached the sword god level, while the other six are all at the main god level.

Damn it, what year is it?

Qin An's guess was correct, but he didn't expect that the woman in front of him was the Beast King himself!

Look at Alice's message again, mourning for them, they... This is excluding himself! "

Yaotian hummed softly, and the tone was so meandering and enchanting that Qin An got goosebumps all over his body.

Director Zhang immediately called the next day and called back the relevant leading actors. However, this roar can only be heard by Qin An himself. Because of the barrier between the earth seal space and the alchemy wall, the outside world has no idea what is happening inside. But although Ms. Wu Zhen’s wound was tiny, it obviously hadn’t repaired itself yet!

Tang Mo took off the jade pendant around his neck and put it on the table, and quickly integrated the space ring into it.

While cleaning up the building, Qin An also met many survivors, mostly Pegasus people.

At this time, if you read a certain message or message, you can see congratulations on "The Witcher World: The Witcher Begins" having been played more than 500 million times.

Some choose supporting roles.



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