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大家在看金丹是恒星,你管这叫修仙? 开局长生不死,谁都以为我无敌 问天三罪 修仙:从在炼器铺当厨子开始 逆天悟性:从开创观想法开始长生 开局心脏被挖,我移植魔祖之心 转生神树,我打造阴兵家族 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 女儿大闹修仙界,我仙帝身份曝光 逍遥四公子 
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第13章 扭曲的森林

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Magic City in 40 different dimensions (2-in-1)

When his toes landed in the shadow of the corpse, Li Jiahong felt the softness of soft jelly and rotting meat. When I applied pressure, the soles of my feet began to flow, as if I had entered the corpse of a giant and was covered in fat. absorbed fat.

Feeling like he was being swallowed up by an unknown world, Li Jiahong felt anxious and hesitated in his movements.

Suddenly the bird gave a cry, spread its wings, embraced him and took him with her to the bottom of the shady sea.

Li Jiahong was surprised by Gu Huo Niao's actions, but at the same time he became convinced that it was his wife who had moved the monster's body. Having kept his loved ones by his side and faced the hardships of life and death together, Li Jiahong felt that in this cold country and foreign mud, there was still room for warmth in his heart more than anything. .

Li Jiahong felt that the water was flowing continuously, as if passing through the esophagus of an unknown animal. The soft barrier around him had incredible force pushing his body back and forth. Although my body was not damaged, the intermittent feeling of suffocation was extremely worrying. Disfort

He felt better because the Gufuo bird supported him with its wings, cutting off most of his power and opening up space for him to breathe.

Fortunately, this disfort did not last long. Li Jiahong immediately felt that her legs were empty, and finally felt that the soft mucous membrane was torn.

Li Jiahong called, and a ray of light finally shined at his feet. A red light spread in front of me, and my vision became clear. He and Gu Huoniao fell into a world full of red eyes.

Towering in front of you is a huge stone monument that reaches up to the sky. At your feet are strange and ornate buildings. Invisible hieroglyphs are carved into the surrounding stones and black walls. This place has slimy green liquid everywhere. From all sides of a strange city...Li Jiahong was in an ancient majestic black stone-like city, but he felt ridiculed by these buildings that violated human aesthetics and the logic of three-dimensional space.



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站内强推十日终焉 师姐,请自重 降临他的盛夏 我在异世封神 重生:1977 白篱梦 校花学姐从无绯闻,直到我上大学 仙逆 从重生九零开始:做空美股石油 四合院:垂钓诸天万物 截教扫地仙的诸天修行 开局沉睡十万年,苏醒后直接无敌 四合院:我乃退伍老兵,善恶分明 东恒青云 规则怪谈,欢迎来到甜蜜的家 何不同舟渡 四合院的钓鱼佬 大奉打更人 系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 凡人修仙传! 
经典收藏全职法师 从水猴子开始成神 巫师:从骑士呼吸法开始肝经验 豪门枭士 万古第一废材 强化子嗣:我后代遍布修仙界 全家老六,我只好在青楼躺平了 封神:说好昏君,咋成了万古人皇 带着农场混异界 稳健修仙:我的增益效果随机翻倍 大主宰 灵墟,剑棺,瞎剑客 大荒经 开局成圣却做了上门女婿 杀敌变强,开局成就剑术宗师 神秘空间:顶级悟性加持 洪荒:我祸害三教,你不分家了? 什么,梦中的娘子都是真的 开局金风细雨楼主,一刀惊天下 九转涅盘诀 
最近更新凌峰重生六界任遨游 穿越后我的眼睛很怪 剑破仙尘 血道仙尊 诬我魔头抽我血,我真入魔你哭啥 穿越诸天的小蛇蛇在都市化龙 此身误在我生前 异界召唤之帝庭 白莲洲 仙骨为引,我以凡躯证道 群穿后,我在异界学魔法 师尊劝退?和魔族女帝结婚急什么 我瞎练的丹药,他们抢着要 玄幻:剑戮玄苍 魂穿开挂,但是系统有毒 冥河主宰传说 天庭重工之为万世开太平 我家有个修仙界 污蔑时清高,逼我入魔后哭什么? 如果修仙会怎样 
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