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大家在看万古第一废材 绝世唐门 女侠且慢 宿命之环 乱世书 大帝之下我帝境,大帝之上我开挂 老祖别苟了,宇宙要没了 逆天悟性:从开创观想法开始长生 继承土地庙,从教黄皮子讨封开始 综武:娶妻徐渭熊,打造无上帝族 
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第61章 尤戈特

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The man raised his hand and took out a bottle of wine, and they seemed to be drinking. The doorman was not surprised. It wasn't the first time something like this had happened, and I had no doubt. He went for a beer.

Soon Jon and Arya got into the car, but Arya was so big that she decided to ride in the back seat, which she forgot because she didn't have a car at home. No matter how long you are asked to drive, you can drive like a drunk if you are sober.

However, because of her childish beauty, people thought it was normal for Aria not to drive a car, but how could an elementary school girl know such crazy driving techniques? In addition, people with this body type have slender legs and are no different from students, so it is difficult for them to buy a car that is easy to use, and it is really difficult to drive one. car that suits them. . Must be used by an adult.

Why aren't you driving yet?

Within 30 seconds, Aria sat down and John didn't drive. In the field of mutual understanding, it didn't take long for Seagate to return to guarding the drowning man's door. You can check them out and book a room in paradise someday.

They took the car keys because he didn't have them.

Perhaps knowing that Aria knows nothing about cars, John points out the problem and explains the relationship between car keys and driving.

All right, let's get out of the car.

No, wait, it's okay.

Jon refuses to accept Arya's words, bowing and muttering something Arya doesn't quite understand, but since he's ing all the way, there's no reason to turn back.

He could do nothing but endure the skills of his younger brother John, and at the same time his mouth and voice were ready to read the words, and if something happened, he would not worry about anything. Produced as from the "High Clytanus Commentary".



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