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大家在看太荒吞天诀 我有一剑 金丹是恒星,你管这叫修仙? 系统赋我长生,我熬死了所有人 造化血狱体 悟性逆天:我在藏经阁创造无敌法 老祖别苟了,宇宙要没了 逆天悟性:从开创观想法开始长生 开局心脏被挖,我移植魔祖之心 万古之王 
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第81章 探险开始

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This is a dream.

Aria didn't think she was satisfied.

However, Aria could tell that the other person wasn't lying.

Bailian has no memory of his past, has just been attacked by the Supreme Demon and the Eternal God, and salvation is now in danger.

Bailian thought it was impossible to imagine himself in the real world.

So Aria nodded and said:

Is it like this?

Yes, indeed, is it necessary to lie about these little things?

Rich Lian answered honestly. Aria wasn't sure if she agreed.

Arya seems to have no reason to stop him from doing business with other parties, but he lacks sympathy.

Aria thought to herself as she ate some grilled feet.

By the way, is there anyone else?

Aria hoped that the other side would bring food.

No more. How much did you eat? Do you still want to eat?

Bai Lian did not believe the man's story. It seems difficult to understand why so much food can enter a man's stomach.

It is true that the human body is small. How can I eat more?

Aria looked shocked, so she nodded shyly.

At this time, Bai Lian also left Aiya's table, looking confused.

Aria thought, Bailian didn't wake up, Aria went to work, received the text written by someone else and looked at it.

I said, have you been looking to write a novel lately?

Aria had not yet regained consciousness so she answered slowly.

No, what are you doing? what are you reading? Don't read what other people write.

However, during the interview, Alia discovered that someone was looking inside other people without the owner's permission.

When Villian finished reading once, Aria stopped reading another.

These posts include my experiences and three true stories.

Well, finally I think you should stop thinking about it, stories like yours will be famous after your death.

He is no different from your grandfather Edward Darby.



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